Raleigh-area Mall / RTP Redevelopments

Looks like only 5 more “Planned” or “Future” building sites left…

He’ll have no choice but to turn to Smokey Hollow Phase 3 and Downtown South once North Hills is fully built out.


Or he can build a CHONC complex


Don’t you find it odd that we don’t have as many nimby’s complaining about the buildings in this suburban area? However there is a prefuse effort by old money to block any large projects in or around downtown… Just weird.


Nice! I don’t really go to North Hills except to shop at the “Main District” zone, but this will dramatically improve the view from the highway.

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The new Standard Beer location is coming along:

And most of the neighboring apartments have their exterior cladding…an interesting mixture of brick (x2), metal, and TBD siding (reminds me of The Line).


Update from the TBJ: members of RTP’s secretive Owners and Tenants Association voted in favor of amending its covenants so that RTP-based companies can build denser, mixed-use developments!

Since the Research Triangle Foundation is basically an HOA for businesses, this is sort of like if the majority of the neighborhood voted in agreement for doing something together. But:

And even then:

I have a feeling that the committee to put more details onto the new entitlement policies will be secretive for a while - but a portion of their work, at least, will have to become public as they trudge through the process and formally request our elected officials to make the change. So it’ll be important to keep an eye on the Durham and Wake counties’ county commissioner public records.


With more and more hybrid work, I’d suspect that companies would be open to redevelopment of some of their land so that they could get those assets and responsibilities off their books.


I guess this goes here but it is significant since Kane is saying 1 M sq ft of office tenants are in the Raleigh market. Maybe some will end up in Smoky Hollow maybe the rest up in North Hills. Maybe some will be interested in Downtown South.


Really hope someone takes over the Citrix campus in the next year or two. That would be such a boon to downtown foot traffic.


I hope they find a way to make the parking deck even more prominent. :upside_down_face:



I know the Raleigh Chamber is really marketing the Citrix building as available. There is not a 1 Million sq ft of office space in North Hils available so these tenants if won to Raleigh will look at other options. The largest blocks of NEW office space in Raleigh is 400H Tower, Smoky Hollow, Midtown Exchange and of course North Hills itself.


I guess my push here is: who is looking for large blocks of office space? It seems like that is counter to the current office environment (at least before the newest presidential term). From what I can gather, most companies are doing smaller sizes. Are there any that are looking for 250k+?

I dont think he meant to mean that huge office users bigger than 100K sq ft but plenty of 25-75K sq ft tenants out there. But who knows companies more and more are bringing back people into the office 3-5 days a week and he mentioned the majority being from out of state. Most corporate office downsizing is over. Both Charlotte and Raleigh office markets have stabilized the “bleeding” of office space is over the large givebacks and large reductions etc.