Raleigh needs an attraction!

That is amazing and extremely ambitious. By all means feel free to dream! …But if we want to maximize feasibility of this as an idea… can we figure a way to do “phase 1” so that it’s a straight line from Downtown to Dix?

  • No doglegs, which add complexity and cost
  • Convenient endpoint downtown (Easily accessible/visible from some lively area or other)
  • Convenient endpoint at Dix (Close to the facilities that are likely to be the most popular)
  • Doesn’t cross over much private property nor any structures
  • Doesn’t conflict with elevated infrastructure like railroads or power transmission lines (this is a big one for Dix)

So what you’re describing exists - it’s the Tree of Life in Disney’s Animal Kingdom, Orlando lmao - and IMO, while it fits there perfectly, a giant 20-story fake tree would be corny as hell in a city setting :sweat_smile:


At this point in the conversation, my boss would say, “If you bring a complaint to the table, be prepared to bring a solution to the table!” So, what is your answer to what that attraction would be for DTR? :statue_of_liberty: :wink:


OMG, I say this all the time!!! “Don’t bring a problem without a potential solution” is how I phrase it.


I mean just look back through my thousands of comments, many of which include lots of my own pie-in-the-sky ideas for touristy attractions! haha


Have we considered building a river in the middle of downtown? Oh…

  • Nearly all gondolas have bends, so that’s not a big issue - especially if you can keep it less that 90-degrees. Below route has a 60-deg bend and 45-deg bend.
  • The power transmission lines is a good point and likely the controlling factor. This would force a more western route and would also prevent crossing West St into the heart of downtown. Have to avoid Boylan so really only leaves above the railroad line.
  • Union Station, could build the platform off the north green roof patio. Add back in the bridge from that roof patio to the RUS Bus Level 2 and its an easy path to walk down to the plaza at street level.
  • Dix Park Station, locate it central to “The Ridge” area and on “The Loop” for easy access to most of the park.
  • 4.5 minute ride still makes this both a novelty attraction and easier connection than walking / biking / any other mode.


I mean as long as we’re daydreaming here, maybe you can go over the power line by going from high point to high point. Take it from Picot Drive (topo height of 348’) to the Northweat corner of the NCAE block (topo height of ~310’), which was left as tbd in the latest development plans for that block

We did do big sunflowers…so who’s to say that we couldn’t do big Oak trees make of steel. We would save so much money on watering and it would be such a tourist attraction. We should go for it.


Here we go. Why not just combine everything together…

Spring Hill: 100 acres for NC Childrens Hospital, 16 acres for MLB Stadium, 14 acres of entertainment & mixed-use district, and a new ~14,000-seat NC State basketball arena. Realign Centennial Pkwy for direct interchange with I-40.
Gondola route 1: Stadium/CHONC/Farmers Market -to- Dix Park “Ridge” -to- Union Station
Transfer platform at Union Station
Gondola route 2: Union Station to Glenwood-Tucker intersection


I still like the idea of the gondola from downtown to Dix Park. How about one of these like in Myrtle Beach in Dix Park or somewhere in between?


A ferris wheel on the hill in Dix Park would be awesome. In dreaming, I would like to see some type of museum or zoo at Dorothea Dix park as well. Denver has a science museum and zoo at their city park. Golden Gate park in San Francisco has some museums there as well. The park in Queens has a science museum and zoo. Brooklyn has a zoo and museum at their park (trying to avoid mentioning Central Park here).