AMA: GoTriangle Commuter Rail Project - Sept 23 1-3pm

What are the limitations to this study? For example, @orulz wondered here if Morrisville’s Park West Village development could support a train station. I’m wondering if this study’s methodology may obscure that possibility by, for example, using ridership models based on 2010 census data (when Morrisville has clearly grown since then).

ANSWER: The goals and activities of this study were determined through coordination among GoTriangle, North Carolina Railroad Company (NCRR), North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT), Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO), Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization (DCHC MPO), Wake County, Durham County and Johnston County.

The GTCR feasibility study is using outputs from the 2045 MTP, including future year projections for 2040. The current opportunity analysis work being led by TJCOG incorporates 2020 census data and 2018 employee home location data. This work includes studies of affordable housing, travel markets and existing and future land use and development patterns. As the 2050 MTP is completed, further analysis will use data from that planning process.

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