Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in Raleigh

So it’s the fault of passengers that they don’t ride something they don’t want to use? That feels a bit disingenuous and gaslight-y to me…

I feel like the people who complain about a lack of bus connections to RDU are the same crowd of people who complained that the commuter rail proposal didn’t go to the airport: disingenuous people who wouldn’t use public transit unless they were 100% convenient for them, and would otherwise hyper-fixate on their shortcomings. It’s only a “major” issue because a ton of people wield that argument in bad faith.

That’s right, and this is how things have already been working since the pandemic. With this proposal, the RDU shuttle would be timed so that you could transfer between it and the 100X at RTP without having to wait.

Note the difference between the RDU (orange) and 100X (red) route, with stops marked with circles. All annotations use the same legend as with my previous post. The black dotted lines, on the other hand, are the portions of the 100 that’s getting axed for good - which should show you how much the 100 would get more streamlined and predictable to ride.

Side note: the one red blip off of I-40 is the part of the Park Point development where GoTriangle wanted to move the Regional Transit Center back in 2022. The actual location of that stop should be on the other side of NC-54 based on the rewritten grant proposal that was awarded a few months ago, but it looks like this map simply doesn’t reflect that change, yet.

This also means that, sure, a trip from Raleigh to RDU would be a bit longer - but only by like 10 minutes. That is not that much of a difference!? Plus, I’d imagine that more people would ride the bus between Hub RTP and Raleigh than to/from the airport, anyways, so it makes more sense to build in the time savings to the thing that benefits more people.