Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in Raleigh

GoWake Access uses purple, GoTransit Partners (GoTriangle’s nonprofit arm) is gray, and the default GoTransit brand (which you only see on GoPasses, nowadays) is brown. Besides, you’d probably want to stick to similar colors, anyways, since different shades of the same color are usually hard to tell apart -especially if you are colorblind or have other visual challenges.

The city is asking for feedback on the Go+ brand and logo, by the way. You’ll get to pick your favorites in the surveys about BRT corridors here.

From the update video on branding:

In case any of y’all were curious, the video also said the study wanted to use the “Go+” name, purposely, rather than things we’ve mentioned here like “GoRapid”. This is because it integrates with the GoTransit brand family and it doesn’t clash with existing services in other cities which has “Rapid” or “Max” in their names.