Has there ever been any mention of doing something with the parking deck just north of this campus? It’s only 3 levels and takes up 1/2 the block.
It’s planned to be redeveloped into mixed-use towers as part of phase 3 but that’s according to the original redevelopment plan. Phase 2 is probably not happening for another decade or so.
December 18, 2024
Is that a wall, I see?
We are starting to see the building emerge from the ground. The crews are setting up the forms for the back walls near the parking deck and along McDowell Street. The wall forms consist of large panels, and inside those large panels is a network of rebar. The rebar adds extra strength to the concrete once it is poured into the forms.
Equipment highlight
If you have been watching the construction site, you may have noticed a person driving a remote-controlled trench roller around the site. Construction crews use this device to compact the soil on construction sites. Compacting the soil reduces air pockets creating a denser stable base, which helps to prevent settlement and potential cracks in concrete.
How does a trench roller work?
A trench roller uses weight and vibrations to compact the soil. The roller’s drum or tires have weights that generate high-frequency vibrations. As the machine moves forward, the drums’ vibration creates both impact and pressure, removing air pockets and compacting the soil, creating a densely packed surface. The process is done in layers. The machine rolls over the area in a slow, controlled manner and then repeats the process until the entire area is compacted.
The remote-control device uses infrared technology, which stops the machines if the operator loses sight of it.
LOL I think they just have low-res photos, probably to save bandwidth/storage since it’s a local government website. I challenge you to provide timely, clearer pictures, sir!
LMAO oh Raleigh… Merry Christmas indeed
Crane seems pretty short to parachute off of, no?
They jumped at 2am too. Those two must have trouble walking with a set that big.
Good for them.
I had a ex coworker who was a professional skydiver. A lot of people in his circle would parachute off of cellphone towers at night for fun. I’m sure he knows these two guys.
I never thought about this being a new attraction for Raleigh. I am sure there would be mega waivers to sign however.
If snow can’t fall from the sky for Christmas, why not people?
Well they could have picked a better crane to jump from. I mean let’s get real. The City of Raleigh’s crane has to have a ton of security camera coverage. Or maybe that was the point. But either way. We did get an unusual Christmas sighting from the sky. It just wasn’t snow or Santa Claus.
got a new attraction i guess
This was from last week. I feel like this building gets a surprising lack of photographic updates compared to other developments around downtown.
It’s true but so hard to capture without getting hit by oncoming traffic. Thanks for the update.
Here’s one more, but with snow
January 16, 2025
I have been off for a couple of weeks, and when I returned, I noticed the construction site was looking very different. I decided to look back at some of the images our time-lapse camera took over the last few weeks. The big takeaway from those images was that the team had done a lot of backfilling around the basement of the new City Hall. However, I will say that my favorite images I came across were some of our first snow of 2025, so I figured I would share a photo of our new City Hall’s first snow.
What will construction look like this year?
In 2024, we saw the demolition of the old and the foundation of the new, along with the basement buildout. Now we see backfill going in around the basement and soon we will start to see the beginnings of the first floor. This year will be all about moving on up. Follow the construction story and see what 2025 holds for the new City Hall.
It is possible to go up on the top floor of the city deck take and snaps, or did they close/limit access up there?
I think that the floodgates will open when it gets to be a little more vertical. That’s when interest in projects really piqué.