Community Engagement in Raleigh

I believe that now only two states still allow forcible annexations. At that time North Carolina was one of only four states to allow it. We were well behind the rest of the United States in still allowing this practice. And besides Raleigh or any other Wake County city rarely practiced these forced annexations even when it was legal to do so.


They’re intentionally choosing planned parenthood and LGBTQ to force old conservative voters to choose Livable Raleigh. Then the non-conservative voters will split the vote between LGBTQ and Planned Parenthood.

And if they want Livable Raleigh to win, they’re not going to care about the polls at all. They’re just going to choose what they want instead.

It’s also a completely unscientific poll and basically worthless. That’s not going to stop them from announcing their “winners” and broadcasting it like it means something.

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The whole poll is completely useless, the way it’s structured.

Its like asking a 5 year old, what’s your favorite food to eat?
a) Spinach
b) Broccoli
c) Gummi-Bears.

And then using that to declare Gummi Worms the favorite food.


Disgusting poll. Reminds me the reasons why Indy is a “controlled opposition” rag.


Just saw this. You can check out the agenda for today and join in person at the convention center or watch the live stream.


I’m at this today so if anyone on here happens to be attending also, come say hi!


Do you know if there are any donut holes that actually get city water/sewage services?

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Not that I know of. I would think they would have to apply for annexation in order for that to occur. Somebody from the City of Raleigh might be better to ask that question.

Wanted to pop on here to invite downtown residents and stakeholders to a virtual meeting this Wednesday to discuss the future of our downtown community. In partnership with the City of Raleigh and Interface Studio, Downtown Raleigh Alliance is engaging in a 12-month process to work to create bold ideas for our urban center to continue to grow and thrive. We warmly welcome residents and other stakeholders to join us for an interactive session on November 15th from 6pm – 7pm, which will be held virtually (register here). This will provide an opportunity to learn more about our study process and to contribute ideas and ask questions about issues that matter to you.

Additionally, we have a virtual survey open through November 15th for anyone unable to join for the evening session, here.

Hope to see you there!


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Surveys on surveys on surveys

From GoRaleigh’s Twitter Page:

Wake BRT: Northern Corridor Open House
Learn about Wake Bus Rapid Transit
Nov. 30 at 5:30 – 7:30 pm
Durant Nature Preserve
3237 Spottswood St


Southern BRT Station Area Planning December 2023 Flyer.pdf (281.0 KB)

Come on out and share your ideas for the Southern BRT Station Area Planning. I’ll be at the 12/6 Chavis Park Open House, hope to see you there!


Thanks for sharing. Hard to keep up with these so I appreciate the share. Here’s the same info.


really excited to see what they have ucpoming


Hi everyone.

I live in the Hunter/Martin St. neighborhood. I’ve felt for a long time that the police and city do a poor job communicating to our community. This is especially true in light of the shootings that seem to occur on Martin Street every few months, as well as the constant drug activity in the area. After the most recent shooting in December (which my wife and her two pregnant friends missed by minutes), I decided to write to Corey Branch and the RPD to see what they intended to do for the long-term safety of this community. I wasn’t super optimistic, but they were responsive.

Long-story short, there will now be a community safety meeting at Roberts Community Park on Wednesday, February 7th at 7:30pm. You’ll be able to hear what the RPD is doing here, ask questions, and voice your concerns. Corey Branch will also be in attendance.

Show up to be seen and be heard!

WEDNESDAY, FEB 7, 2024 at 7:30 PM


Thanks for sharing. It’s on my calendar and someone from my household will try and make it out to support.

Happy to hear that!
I hired Interface Studio (well, I chaired the committee who hired them, and really championed them) for a neighborhood commercial district plan effort that I chaired years ago. They’re terrific.


Re-posting this one last time since the event is coming up next Wednesday. Would love to see as many of you from the community as possible. This is our chance to show the RPD and city how much we care about our neighborhood. Please help spread the word!

WEDNESDAY, FEB 7, 2024 at 7:30 PM

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CACs may be back, I got this email:

Hi CAC neighbors,
This coming Tuesday, February 6th during the afternoon Raleigh City Council meeting, the Raleigh Citizen Advisory Council anticipates a vote to restore City support of CACs. (See the attached PDF of our Press Release.) The RCAC Board has been busy since this past Fall crafting language for a motion to re-establish official City recognition and support of the RCAC and all of Raleigh’s CACs. During the past couple of months the Board has been communicating with all our City Council members. At this time we’re confident that we have at least 5 votes (perhaps more) to restore City support of CACs.
The afternoon City Council session starts at 1:00 PM. This vote is not on the meeting’s agenda, but will take place during the time titled “R. Report from the Mayor and City Council”. This is a time when anyone on the City Council can bring up a subject. At the start of the meeting there are quite a few “consent” items that go quickly. Several current and former City Councilors have told me our vote could come between 2:00 and 3:00, but get there early so you don’t miss the vote! Our RCAC Chair Robert Rice and many of us CAC Chairs plan on being at the City Council chamber before the meeting starts.
You can park for free in the City parking deck connected to the Municipal Building. Be sure to click on the link and read the instructions. Click here for the parking deck location.
Attached are two PDFs of CAC and RCAC signs. Make your own sign or print these. If you do, please round the corners with a pair of scissors (the City doesn’t allow signs with pointed corners).
This coming Tuesday will have been 4 years and 2 days since the former City Council majority voted to stop supporting CACs. On Tuesday we hope to correct that mistake, and get busy restoring grassroots community engagement throughout ALL of Raleigh.
See you this Tuesday,
Mike Lindsay
Chair of the Hillsborough-Wade CAC

RCAC Press Release.pdf (100.5 KB)