Community Engagement in Raleigh

Long overdue!! Goodbye bitchfests! What will octavia Rainey do with her time now?!!


I know I wanna see her Nimby meltdown

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Now, now, don’t gloat… it isn’t pretty…:face_with_hand_over_mouth:

The shutting down of speech and elimination of public engagement can never really be a good thing. It pretty much means that you don’t want to hear opinions that differ from your own.


Except the people participating in the CACs where the same people year over year saying the same things…which was usually “no”

Nobody is shutting down free speech…let not be so dramatic


After the election. I felt like he was already campaigning for the next election, and made it sound like the rest of the council didn’t care what people in the suburbs think. What really bothered me was that it was at a CAC that’s primarily in Buffkin’s district and the new council has only recently been seated.

If anything this helps free speech. I want everyone to be heard about things that affect our city, not just a couple dozen people who are able to show up to a weeknight meeting about zoning rules.


Neighborhood meetings are sufficient for rezonings. The people who are going to be most affected are going to be notified and given a couple of opportunities. They could also contact the developer and request a meeting or discussion if they want.

CAC meetings typically become City facilitated public opposition. They’re not effective for governance, and they shouldn’t be “voting” on development plans.


I didn’t say free speech because that wouldn’t have anything to do with this discussion. Does that make me less dramatic?

Again I didn’t say “free” speech. Why is everyone inserting that additional word into my comment?

Woah that was some drama tonight at the city council meeting from Stef. Never seen her rage like that. Any else watched it?

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Omg no!? What’s happening? She’s there speaking?!

People have a hard time letting the dinosaurs die. Just watch the video…

You didn’t say unfree speech? Kidding. I dunno, I read too fast. My response still applies. I don’t want to shut down people from speaking just because I don’t agree with them or think they’re stupid. I just don’t want an outsized voice for a few people.

Surprisingly the Boylan neighborhood Facebook group isn’t that opposed to this change. One person had a great comment…


Also, 99.6% or something of Raleigh citizens have apparently never heard of CACs in a study MAB referred to when responding another person. If accurate this shows you how disenfranchising CACs were.


I’m in the mood for a little crazy tonight. How can you see the video?

Stef sent her remarks to the Five Points list serve…(she doesn’t live in Five Points)

Six of you made a decision earlier today to immediately disband Raleigh’s Citizens Advisory Councils. That decision was lacking in transparency and in due process.

You kept your plans secret from a fellow Council member but shared it with some media outlets. That sounds like a dysfunctional council to me.

You didn’t bother to engage with the RCAC. From what I understand at least one of you met with the RCAC leadership last week to talk about improving the CAC process, but you never brought up the fact that you were planning to dismantle them.

**Why is secrecy necessary if you truly have plans for new and improved community engagement? **

Or is this like Trump and the Republicans and the Affordable Care Act? Let’s throw it out for “something better” but we can’t tell you yet what that is!

One guess is that you are ashamed of your plan and you feared it wouldn’t pass muster if people had been allowed to review and comment on it or mobilize against it. That’s what happened last time the Council tried to eliminate CACs. Because the public actually supports them.

So you start out your improved community engagement by stifling public input by not giving notice.

What is the urgency?

Why not wait for consultant report?

Please – revisit your decision and leave the CACs in place while you work with a consultant.

Does it take a lot of time to attend CAC meetings – yes, but it’s about engaging with your constituents.

Do you sometimes have to take some heat from people who are upset or who disagree with you about something? That’s part of the job.

**You give a lot of lip service to transparency and to freedom of speech, but you are stifling Raleigh residents. **

You say it’s because you don’t want to be influenced by a vocal minority. I think it’s pretty clear from this decision and from many of the other decisions you’ve already made and will undoubtedly make in the future that you are being influenced by a few vocal minorities – the HomeBuilders Association, the Triangle Apartment Association, and other special interest groups.

**I know nothing I say here tonight will change your minds because you’ve been bought and paid for. But I am hoping the media (the objective media) and the public will see you for what you are. **

[Now I’d like to ask all CAC supporters to stand up.]

Can’t wait to see how the N&O handles this.

Oh, here it is:


Wow. Just… wow. I don’t even want to begin to respond to each of her points because we’re all intelligent people. So glad she’s not on the city council, and this definitely shows why she shouldn’t be.


Lol she dumb first the Trump and Republicans thing with healthcare have nothing to do with this second, No one came to them I mean no one I only found out about these things after the rezoning crisis for 40 stories, okay and that this is pre approval before official or rejection vise versa this was crappy all I though of the CAC’s was done glitch needed to be move out of the way that was irrelevant to the city and growth of Raleigh, so the council did it for me God bless them