Poor take on the scooters. They’re all over downtown and East Raleigh from people using them to get from point to point. I’d love to see more of them deployed. The new painted parking zones in Glenwood south are nice additions too. Will help people know where to pick up and leave them and keeps them more organized.
I agree with the discussion on microtransit, seems like a number of pluses and deltas to debate. But scooters/biking/walking? Nah there shouldn’t be any debate there. City should keep doing everything it can to promote safe, green transit, in any form. Love to see the positive steps taken here recently, like the striping of McDowell/Dawson that no one has mentioned yet. The city is iterating yet again and it’s great. Lots of new green paint which is more low-cost advertising of our bike system than anything. And the painted curb extensions that will likely be concrete in the next iteration. I love to see simple stuff like this. Melton mentioned the striping project and how the city was aiming to do more with less. I think they nailed it. Gets the discussion going about extending the curbs for pedestrian safety and traffic calming (a la Chicago). Can’t wait to see the next version eventually.