Downtown Gateway

tough call…growing up in raleigh my family was transit dependent as we had no car for 16 years. oddly carolina power and light, with whatever additional funding they may have had ran busses in raleigh (50 years ago) on more than one route to near 11pm. sure …my family got cabs on occasions for monthly groceries (think car trunk) and specialized trips. somebody somewhere is dependent on a set of wheels and a fuel source and a throughfare. i have no issue with cars but i do bike a lot and think as density continues to increase in raleigh…especially at its core, more frequent ‘core transit frequency’ could be a good thing and safer bike connections where a ride on a collector st , handlebar-to-rearview, can be eliminated. but many of my jobs sent me to rtp via car, apex via car, and a bus would have taken a lifetime (despite occasional road jams) to get home. it was a crappy daihatsu, but cheap and had a radio.