Five Points, East End Market, & Raleigh Iron Works

I think I recall hearing similar from Cleveland.

The locksmith shop at 2003 Wake Forest Rd, right behind Bison Bar and Jerry’s Grill, at the corner of Wake Forest and Whitaker Mill, has hit the market at $1.15 million. 7400 sq ft lot, looks pretty skinny.

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“Assembly 1249” - redevelopment of the Wicker Street warehouses adjacent to Iron Works.

Looks like now they’ve eliminated the central parking deck altogether and now have a big surface lot and huge outdoor amenity area and added another Phase 2 building to the north. The details on this one remind me of the American Tobacco Campus with the elevated boardwalks, nooks for outdoor dining, open/stage area? and a creekbed? Also looks like a few shipping container retail spots as well. Looks like a pretty solid extension of the East End, Loading Dock, and Iron Works.


…shaping up to be a nice walkable environment that one can drive to. :roll_eyes:
In all seriousness, it’s a ton better than what’s there now, and it’s better to continue to reverse the inertia outward from the city.


Let’s hope Big Boss stays


Certainly seems like they stay based on how the renovation looks for that building (mostly stays the same).


Hey Mike, can you provide a link for that development?

Moving over to Five Points, the future of the Wakestone/Masonic Temple property has been revealed. The property, once the home of white supremacist Josephus Daniels, was stripped of its historic designation and bought by Beacon Street Development earlier this year.

Beacon Street has unveiled its proposal, a single-family development in a traditional style called Caswell Heights:

Every home in Caswell Heights will be designed according to thoughtful and historically appropriate architectural guidelines.

Honestly this looks really good and I’m excited to see it happen!


:yawning_face: for how low density this is (I still prefer R6/R10 in this area). But seriously thank you for sharing. I still like seeing what’s coming in.


The houses definitely look very pretty! Still, I agree with @wanderer: it seems like such a waste to make them SFHs instead of denser (or even mixed-use) buildings.

This is the northwest corner of that over-engineered Glenwood-Wade interchange, too. It’s such a nice place to be creative and try to densify, too.


my bet is on nothing under 2M, if not higher than that.


While I’m sad about the loss of the building (the owner being a bad person doesn’t make the home less historic, it just changes the context), this seems about as attractive and dense as we were possibly going to get in Five Points. Nice!


Yea, I kinda think they could’ve pulled something off like ‘The Oaks at Fallon Park’ development. But this will be fancy for sure.

Our Communities — Grayson Homes scroll to find “Five Points”.

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Definitely nice building style, fits in well with the neighborhood, appreciate the rear-loading garages and all that, but wish the site plan had more interplay with Glenwood Ave. The development kind of turns its back to Glenwood, which is the kind of design I expect to see on suburban arterials, not 1.5 miles from Downtown. Seems like a missed opportunity to further enhance the streetscape along Glenwood.

Glenwood is a DOT-owned road, so I imagine it would be harder to get approval for curb cuts or nice streetscape improvements there. That may have been part of the reason for the design.

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The neighboring properties are in the $2M+ range. Others in the area with much, much smaller lots are in the $700k - $900k range. I’ll be interested to see what these go for. I bet $2.5-$3.5M based on the current market.


I like these. Plenty of other places we can add more density, but this would be 10x the density that was there previously from what I’m reading

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It’s also loud and fast. I wouldn’t drop $2mm for a house on a major commuting thoroughfare without a ton of noise mitigation and a visual buffer.


Looks like the developer is trying to get 900k+ per LOT. No home. Wow.

Sure wish I could turn a $3.7 million investment into $10 million+