Future of Glenwood South

But isnt everyone downtown supposed to want this feature? The “feature” being downtown with nothing but a view into someone else’s residence, and about 1/3 the square footage as a similar or lower priced suburban SFH?

Yes, I believe the large apartment complex approved for next to Fairweather condos will obliterate most of Fairweather’s Eastern view of downttown buildings. Fairweather should have gone higher. All its Eastern side, and especially the lower levels, feature views of an power transformer station and eye level views of power lines and power poles, even on the rooftop terrace. Really puzzling.

What’s the deal with this (unfortunate) Raleigh trend of building condos facing power lines? Yuck. 615 Peace has it just as bad as Fairweather. From the linkedin in video landing page: “Duke Energy welcomes you!” No way in hell i’m paying that kind of $ to look at that crap out my window.

Nailed it. A midblock view between two buildings is exactly why people pay a premium to live downtown.

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The “feature” is “being downtown” yes lmao. Otherwise, like you said, go out to the suburbs and buy a SFH with a yard. Y’all really want to make this out to be something nefarious, when this is simply how cities develop. Not everyone is going to get a primo view, and those that do PAY for it ($$$$$$$)


Choose wisely or pay wisely. Always look at what you face (or could face in the future) if that is something of concern. The Fairweather had future potential zoning heights of concern to me on the north side of the building so I bought on the South side. All of this is online and available. Don’t count on your real estate agent to tell you (although it is a material fact to disclose).


Maybe somebody living in the Paramount wishing to expand could just build a bridge across…



…or maybe it’s just a convenient set up for mutual lazy peeping Toms?

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Strada Risto Bar is opening up tomorrow in the old Plates location.


They had me at weekend daytime hours!


Ill post it here to it paywalled but I think if I spread the word here people will understand what I’ve been preaching. Glenwodd South could be a good active area. Im not gonna rant about the article because it isn’t productive. But we have 7 corridors for entertainment PNC, the future MLB site (if it happens), RTP, Glenwood South, West Raleigh, North Hills, Red Hat Amphitheater.



Here is the article with no paywall: https://archive.ph/V5L78


Just saw this hiring sign on 510 Glenwood. ANOTHER Italian spot for Glenwood. Should we start calling Glenwood South “Little Italy”?

In the last 12 months we’ve added…

  1. Flour & Barrel
  2. Anthony’s La Piazza
  3. Vic’s Pizza
  4. Strada Italian Bistro
  5. Pierros Italian Bistro (Opening soon)

Mulino is almost Glenwood South. If you count pizza as Italian you also got Demo’s. That’s alotta Italian options :pinched_fingers:t3:

Not Glenwood, but Downtown… We also added in the last 12 months, La Terrazza & Figulina.

Kinda crazy. No way all these spots survive fighting against each other. Who will win?


If you count pizza as Italian then Mellow Mushroom is right there too.


Italian Italian or American Italian? Because almost all the existing ones in downtown are Italian from the Tri-state.

I could kill for some Italian Italian fast casual near my workplace in Downtown. There’s this fast casual place in Milan that would work perfect in the US as a fast casual Italian pasta shop.


Pizza IS Italian lmao. Now I just need to know where on Glenwood I can buy a weekly half pound of gabagool

They are all not going to survive. In my opinion, a savvy operator would position themselves on the budget end to win with volume. For those of us who’ve been around Raleigh for a hot minute, think Two Guys or Brothers.


Well let’s hope they do and support them. Continuing to build additional housing in this area will help with this. :crossed_fingers:t4:

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It’s really difficult to have 5 different Italian options going after the same crowd.


Imagine how hard it must be in Italy!


Yeah, but they have a larger crowd (of Italians).

Some inspiration for Glenwood South’s Little Italy :joy: