General Feedback and Site Announcements

Hey TheNightHawk. I moved your comment into a new topic, a place for feedback. I VERY much welcome feedback.

I’m sorry you’re not enjoying this forum. Maybe I can help in some way?

From my point-of-view, I had been using the bare bones Wordpress commenting system on the blog and it wasn’t enough for the kind of activity we all were seeing there. Comments were not organized, the community wasn’t growing, and conversations were all over the place. It wasn’t easy for someone to come in, introduce a new topic without also derailing an already ongoing topic.

I tried managing the comments but it wasn’t easy and the community was too active for me to keep up. Users were also limited from a technology POV. Multiple links always were flagged as spam, images/videos could not be embedded, and it was hard to share google maps.

From an admin POV, we got A LOT of spam. I successfully blocked pretty much all of it but there are thousands of spam comments that you don’t see. It would be nice to move away from that.

So here we are, with a more open format and a way, I feel, keeps the topics on target and focused.

I’d love specifics on what you don’t like and perhaps it’s just a few tweaks I can make. If not, I expected that not everyone would easily migrate and if you choose not to participate, I’m truly sorry and hope you can stay in touch another way.