GoRaleigh Bus Station

I don’t feel like being harassed when I want to go to st roch wbu


when you click on downtown is gives you a completely different outline of downtown than what the city designates. The entire thing is pulled eastward.

FYI there is no police substation going in across from Moore Square. RPD claims no involvement with a project there.

Oh that is not great

Not sure where you’re getting your information. I got it directly from the downtown district commander.


Two weeks ago I spoke with RPD over the phone and just asked. So transparently, they lied 2 weeks ago or weren’t ready to break the news at that time. Thx for following up

Hate to tell you this but if you compare this photo to any major city’s bus station, this looks IMMACULATE lmao. I’m just saying, there’s reasons to nitpick but cleanliness is hardly an issue in Raleigh vs essentially any other city I’ve ever visited. Also gotta +1 to @dtraleigh’s point that the calls for moving the bus station out of downtown is high-key classist/other-ist. Public transportation belongs in cities. There will be positives and negatives, but the postitives will always overwhelmingly outweigh the negatives. The key positive being multiple alternative modes of transportation into/out of the city.


Yeah so there’s already laws prohibiting virtually everything you’ve mentioned. If you want to discuss enforcement of these laws, that’s one thing. They just started on a police substation above the bus station. Change doesn’t happen overnight. Y’all truly need to relax in this thread. You’re obsessing over problems literally every city on the face of the earth has to deal with. Relax.

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I think you need to read what I said again and why. I’m not against buses or bus stops being downtown. But, there are a lot of issues (both perceptional and organizational) that emanate from the bus station downtown.

Downtown is competing with places like North Hills, Iron Works, the Fenton, etc now. Being cleaner than other downtowns is not good enough anymore. We’re not competing with other cities, we’re competing with the ones in the direct local area.

Crime being harder to maintain in the local area is also an issue. Granted, a lot of it in this area does not originate from the bus station, but the ones that do need a lot of help. They’ve made huge strides, and are even installing a police substation in the bus station to help with this. I’m optimistic that the issues will be resolved, but it’s not classist to not want to go back to the issues we had in the Summer of '23 again.

There’s also the size issue. As our city grows, we’re going to need more buses. The current bus station already has buses leaking out and parking in bike lanes (especially on Blount Street), in front of Marbles, and trying to go down the sidewalk on either Hargett Street or Martin Street is a gigantic pain in the ass, which will only be made more difficult with more buses coming in and out. Hopefully, the other bus station resolves some of this load, but there are major size constraints that will need to be considered in the future.

I don’t think any of the issues I’ve discussed or mentioned are classist. I’ve never once suggested that we shouldn’t have public transportation in the city. There is a difference between being against public transportation and having the bus station centrally located. If we can’t resolve the aforementioned issues (crime, size/load, trash), then I maintain that the bus station should not be centrally located. Not because I don’t want a centrally located bus station, but due to our incompetence or ability to maintain it. The public perception is that we are not doing a good job.

Bus stops should be centrally located and should always go through these areas. Class has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Like I’ve said earlier, I’ve fought with a lot of people putting out negative perceptions of the bus station area all over reddit. Examples:

I do think a lot of arguments made against it ARE CLASSIST, and I fight those tooth and nail. I’m just letting you know that my argument and perception are absolutely not about or meant to be that.