Happy Halloween @errbody! πŸŽƒ

Final part


These are great! :skull::jack_o_lantern: Also my favorite time of year!

@OakCityDylan should be so thrilled to have a birthday in such an awesome month!


Is this your house?? Do you build a DIY haunt in your garage?? If so, I am dying to come see it. That’s what I miss most about living in Upstate NY- allllll the wild Halloween decorations and DIY backyard/garage haunts. I used to build them with friends on porches, barns, etc. I’ve been seeing more and more decorated houses around here but very scattered, in Rochester there’d be entire neighborhoods where it seemed like each house was competing with the next for the wildest display.


The large structures (crypt, funeral home, garage catacombs, black tree gate and some of the grave stones, scarecrow and pumpkin king) i built myself. Other things i have purchased over the years. I will not be doing the garage this year due to Covid but everything else will be up. I will message you my address if you want to come by.


Please do - and if you ever want help from someone with passion and experience in building/working haunts, I would LOVE to be involved in your garage haunt next year!!!