Red Hat Amphitheater and Outdoor Music

If you’re really interested, there’s someone from the planning commission defending it in some long replies to that Instagram post.

This is just utterly ridiculous.


Just when you think it’s over….ground hog day.


One of your at-large opponents, Reeves Peeler, is on the planning commission. Do we know how he voted on this?

He voted against the amendment, he left some of his reasoning in the Instagram post:


Yep that was the guy I was referring to. He also replied to everyone’s comments. Defensive much?

He’s running for public office, I don’t mind him erring on the side of over-communicative


Welp, not that I wasn’t planning on voting to re-elect Melton (our best Councilmember since Nicole Stewart), but this should seal it for anybody who was on the fence!

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It seems this was likely anticipated, even if not seemingly as orderly as one might hope.
Also seems fait accompli for Red Hat to make the move from the vote.
So, the bigger opportunity remains the slip lane and expanded public space / multi-modal access around the venue to mitigate the closure ‘fears’…Any updates you can share on those discussions with NCDOT / the RR ?

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I had a million reasons not to vote for him, this just became a million and 1.