Rockway Apartments - S. Saunders/Lake Wheeler Developments

This is beginning to finally look like something on the skyline.


Good god yeah, looks like a concrete fortress sticking out like a sore thumb over those apartments. They reaaaaaally better screen that thoughtfully. Looks like complete @$$ right now.

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It kind of looks like a medieval times building frame… maybe they could lean into that a little bit!


Isn’t the plan for this to be a donut apartment complex and there would be units built around it?

Yup - they’re there. The plan was always to have the deck inexplicably 2 stories taller than the damn occupiable building. Horrible.


I completely serious: I would be so down for them to add turrets and paint the sides like oldschool stone castles. It would actually look unique, vs this, which looks like a parking deck sticking out the top of a shorter building lmao


Yes you are SO right. I was holding my tongue hoping someone else would bring it up. At least it’s not sea foam green (yet)lol.

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Donut on a stick. Nice

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This word is a pretty accurate description.


Here are a few photos taken from the greenway beside Dix Park.


MAN that parking deck sticking out the top is egregious… really concerned for the corner-cutting they’ll likely end up doing when “screening” it. A mural would be better than some of that tacky metal screening developments often use, but it’s still just gonna look like a sore thumb…

I totally agree with that. I am waiting with bated breath to see what they do (if anything) to make this look better.

The biggest bummer of it is that this is actually one of the more attractive 5-over-1s being built, given its length and shape (i.e. it’s not simply a GIGANTIC box that takes an entire square block). If it weren’t for that abysmal concrete bunker sticking out the top, it’d take the cake easy!


Dumping some photos I took from a walk down Saunders this past weekend.



Get the right angle and make the parking garage all but disappear!


It honestly drives me insane lmao. No matter how cool or interesting they make the actual habitable portion of the building look… it’s always going to look half-assed/unfinished with that slab of concrete sticking out like a sore thumb :man_facepalming:


IT’s the ‘New Way to Raleigh’ - affectionately known as the ‘5 under :-1:’…

I agree with you. I look straight at this building from my LR window. It looks like an ugly concrete fortress in the middle of what will probably be a decent looking apartment building. Don’t ya’ll kill me but I think I dislike this more than the sea foam green at The Platform…


Perhaps my sarcasm didn’t come through in my previous post?