I guess it depends on what type of campus Shaw, or anyone, prefers. It looks like SAU has a good piece of land that is a more traditional college in a park type campus. Shaw is already urban, and any growth will only increase that density. If I was on the BoT I would prefer the SAU campus, and let Shaw’s property be developed into an urban mixed use neighborhood, save the two most historic buildings.
I missed the part in his letter where he itemized each penny of the $10M in unsupported cash disbursements in one year alone.
But don’t worry he begins to address those claims by starting with this:
" I am the only son of my mother, Shirley Boulware, and the father of 2
outstanding young adults."
Goodmon & Dundon could put an east facing MLB stadium on the Shaw site, merge to StAug site. Of course saving historic buildings - honoring our African American history in a museum.
Wouldn’t fit with the street grid.
Probably more people overall prefer the parkland campus, but as someone who went to a tight urban school and loved it I can happily say that isn’t true across the board. Plus, all of the nearby major schools have big quads and all of that, including NCCU, so being more urban could help it stand out.
I never thought of NCSU as an “urban campus” though I suppose maybe it is in some ways. I was very jealous of my wife who gradated from VCU in Richmond. VCU is undeniably an urban campus.
There’s Larry’s that’s right there, and Food Lion just a block north.
Came here to say the same! The Food Lion erasure in food desert discussions is so rough .
I included State in the “schools with big quads” bucket!
@mike we’re on the same page - I meant to imply acres of landscaping and several smaller lawns as well as just a nice singular quad.
I grew up in semi-rural suburbia of northwestern NC and my parents wanted me to go to Appalachian, and I almost did. My NCSU grad uncle gave me one little tour and I saw Hillsborough Street (the funky 90s version) and proximity to DT Ral and I was hooked instantly.
A city university is a big draw for some students, for sure.
I have no doubt it is a factor in some students choosing Shaw, too.
Yea Hillsborough St was a different vide when I was a freshman too, I wonder what aspiring students think of the current stale and boring version now. There’s not much to do anymore oddly, but more retail space.
I think Glenwood has replaced Hillsborough in that regard. Is that a fair assessment?
Kicking the can a few more feet down the road, I guess lol
They still owe $10MM + in back taxes, wages, etc…& clearly no way to pay for it.
Exactly my point. Akin to a gambling addict that’s promising their loan shark: “I’ll have it in a few more days! I swear, I swear, just give me till Tuesday! I have some big business opportunities coming up and then I’ll have it all and then some! Believe me!!!”
whatever agency “accredited” SA must have a low…low bar
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.
ie, pretty much every major college, public or private in the entire southeast US including the entire UNC system, Duke, WFU, etc.
The administrators of this university are acting in bad faith. There is little to no chance this university makes it out of this intact. The fact that they will continue to bring in new classes/enrolled students to very likely abandon them in the middle of their degrees is reckless. They will accept students on aid, which is subject to accreditation which could be pulled again leaving students in limbo. They should be focusing on getting currently enrolled students finished out or transferred to new universities, making students, staff and creditors whole and not subjecting anymore people to this.