The future of the Person St. District?

I am in it a lot it and it is objectively better/safer for pedestrians. It also seems much more clogged with cars than predicted and I think that is due to traffic lights backing things up into the traffic circles, particularly Enterprise. Gorman also backs up to Dixie and Brooks. I am taking this off topic now, but I think its time to align the traffic through Ferndel, along the old ‘Ferndell connector’ plan of the 70’s. Then put a second traffic circle at Oberlin/Clark since the light there backs up to Hillsborough. The circle at PR is not needed once this alignment is set up. This area serves as a great way to consider how things might play out if done in other parts of the city. Looking at corridors in isolation seems to not yield the correct play out once things get built. Looking at things in districts would hopefully enlighten the situations better.

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I always thought it was strange that they added all those traffic circles but left the lights in place right near the traffic circles but I’m not traffic engineer.

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A lease has been signed for one of the two parts of the former Marsh Woodwinds property. Demolition and renovation should be starting in the next several weeks, with a roughly estimated completion of later this summer (July/August). The occupying business will be moving from their current location nearby, and it’s likely that the initial build-out will be minimal at first but more work will be done this winter when business slows down and there is more time to get the space set up.


What’s the business?

I’m going to guess its Pelagic. No inside info here, but they were looking to move into the space Crawford ended up with, and they’ve been pretty open about wanting a little more room.


The “more work to be done in winter when business slows down” makes me feel like it could be Two Roosters, even though they’re currently working on a spot down the street right now.

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Two Roosters just opened their spot near Yellow Dog a couple of weekends ago.


Oh nice! I’ve been out of town for awhile. Looking forward to stopping in.

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New renderings of Jolie look really nice. This will be an awesome addition to the Person St. area.


I’m actually glad that the roof underwent a redesign. It looks more permanent and substantial than before.

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Stef Mendell will be happy too. :wink:

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And we care what she thinks because???:wink:

So are they going to use this actual color scheme or is this just presentation fanciness?


Our friend Steph. I sure hope voters read this.


“The stairwell leading up to the rooftop will be enclosed by clear plastic walls”

  • That seems excessive, this isn’t the Raleigh Beer Garden

We really need to bring the review process into this century. That rendering is so basic yet lovely that it should just be “submit, review, sign, build.” Way too much red tape to get something so simple done especially for such a heavily mixed-use area. :roll_eyes:


That’s my fear, is another developer is reading this and following the ridiculous process they sent Crawford through over rooftop seating for only 30 people at a high-end restaurant.
They will think twice when asking for any variance in fear they will be months or even a year behind schedule because of stupid nuances in the code or because one of the Council Members owns a condo near by.
That should be at maximum a couple week ordeal to iron-out daily hours and no music, not six months.


Does any council member own a condo downtown or nearby?

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Not that I am aware of but the person responsible for the ridiculous parking hours right behind there, lives adjacent to Pelagic. Its almost like they targeted Pelagic as no other parking restrictions resemble these. Would’t be out of the question if they were behind this too. Not, this house has a driveway and is not dependent on street parking for their residence.

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