GoRaleigh Bus System, now and the future

So… TL/DR: the funding target that Colby posted is just a goal based on projects CAMPO thinks will get submitted, and the actual funding ratios will depend on what local agencies decides to apply to the DoT to fund? Did I understand that right?

If so, I’m not surprised. Friendly reminder though: NCDoT is at the root of this, not CAMPO. The DoT is in charge of allocating funding, whereas CAMPO is just the messenger that has to conform to the state’s rules and priorities. It would be nice if we can just pay for commuter (and all-day regional) rail without relying on federal funding, for example, but we don’t exactly have a state-level Pete Buttigieg on our side :confused: Besides, none of the transit projects we have right now are shovel-ready yet.

In all fairness, though, some of the road projects can be helpful for commuter rail and other public transit projects, too. The Airport Blvd. extension, for example, will make it easier to grade-separate McCrimmon Parkway (maybe making way for a commuter rail station there), and then there’s the West St. extension (we have a thread for that topic btw).

For reference, here are the bike/pedestrian and transit projects recommended to be sent to the DoT:

Again: recommendations. The state still needs to put their money where their mouth is in the new fiscal year (i.e. this summer) before the above projects are funded.