Five Points, East End Market, & Raleigh Iron Works

There’s a paywall article about an interesting mixed-use project just outside downtown near the new Wegmans project off Wake Forest Rd. The request submitted to the city would allow for a mixed-use residential development of up to 12 stories.

They note the property is “near a Transit Emphasis Corridor and within the Future Fixed Guideway Transit system.” And “a high-density residential designation would be consistent with the city’s efforts to increase density in areas with public transit.”

I can’t tell if they’re talking about multiple buildings, as they mention a proposed development described as a 5-story, multi-family condominium and apartment complex, which would be within walking distance of the Midtown East Center.

More mixed-use density like this will help justify better mass transit long this corridor. This is also just off Atlantic Ave, which is our fantasy full-service bicycle path servicing north of downtown. That’s probably a long shot. But the rus-bus connections to this area are certainly very doable.