I imagine you’re just joining in the pre-bitching @John started but if not- I actually don’t think I’m on the money there, as those cranes would be entirely too big if those were final heights. Usually topped-out is like 50ft below the crane boom arm
yeah i’m just talking shit lmao. hard to convey sarcasm online sometimes. i do think those buildings would look extremely stupid at those heights though if that did actually pan out, lol. but yeah they’ll likely be much taller.
They should each be basically identical in height to Capital Square.
I gotta imagine the one using the taller, red crane will be slightly taller, no? Otherwise I don’t understand why they’d use a crane that is that much taller. It’s a substantial difference in height, crane-wise!
Just to piss you off.
It might not be that much taller than it looks. I haven’t seen it in person but from that picture the red one is clearly a lot closer
I have seen it in person - it’s much taller lol
probably so the booms can move without interfering. They have separate “air space”
In all seriousness, I think that proportions matter in terms of how buildings are perceived. If a 20 story building is slender, it’s more appealing. When a building’s footprint is large, it tends to look shorter than it is. Just imagine if our downtown streets were being filled with small footprint 7 floor buildings side by side instead of large block 5over1 apartments. We’d all be much happier in how our downtown is perceived. The same is true with 20 stories. 400H is likely to be perceived as taller than The Weld for similar reasons.
Ok so I’m an idiot and didn’t even think of that until you’ve just now brought it to my attention. That’s the answer lol
If only it were because we’re going to be getting some building height variation!
Hmmm seems to be a bit of pollen out today…
It’s either that or the photo is color film from 1969.
6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Rockway (formerly Park City South) - Saunders/Lake Wheeler Apartments and Retail
Could finish before 615 Peace.
Things that didn’t exist 3 years ago for $1000, Alex