West End - Platform, Oldham & Worth - Development at W Cabarrus/S Saunders

Pretty generic, I like the kick out section similar to Union Station.


Is that the elevation of the building on the right, or is it some place else?

I think it’ll be nice in context. Also, good on them for using terra cotta instead of something more typical like brick. Terra cotta can look real sharp… see the Durham County Human Services Complex or the office portion of Van Alen that’s going up.


It’s Building 1’s east elevation facing S. West St.
I’m guessing the building kick out will meet up with the possible bridge over the train tracks?

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The Mythical West St extension will go under the tracks and meet up with the slope on the Union Station side. So no bridge… unless Kane is going to build his own.:thinking: Maybe a zip line from the Dillon to Cabarrus.


Oddly enough they specifically wrote “Future City of Raleigh Bridge Project”
It also looks like they have two separate line indications, 1 for a tunnel and 1 for a bridge.
It even has a section that says “Temporary construction easement for future West St extension”
There is a good chance they are considering both, vehicle traffic under the tracks and foot traffic over.
I’m sure it will save money not considering foot traffic underground when digging the hole.


A pedestrian bridge over would great and could probably happen a lot sooner than that of a vehicular nature. Also it might be something the city could afford on its own, whereas the West St extension requires federal funding.
It could also be that technically the under the tracks alternative isn’t the official choice for the extension but it is the most likely one, so maybe it’s just a nod to that uncertainty.

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Not sure exactly what Kane does or doesn’t have planned for a bridge, but they are designing this development based on West St going under the railroad tracks.

They even said that they’re regrading that small section of West in anticipation of West going under the tracks (and that’s how cars will access the parking deck from that side of the project). If you look back at the original elevation image, you’ll see existing and proposed grades.


It’s completely in his best interest to have this connected easily to his properties on the other side of the tracks, so it makes sense for him to expedite the process.


We’ll see just how connected he is if he can accelerate this tunnel.

My hope is that the work they do to regrade West on the south side of the tracks will reduce the cost of the project enough to make it more feasible for the city to secure funding to finish it off. The other side was graded when Union Station was built, so all that will be left is building the tunnel itself (which I’m sure is no small task).


Yeah building that tunnel is gonna be quite a project. Not sure how they are going to handle maintaining train service at Union Station during construction. Maybe they will build the bridge one platform track at a time, and have trains use the portion of the platform west of West Street. The platform canopy ends west of West Street, and I wonder if that was intentional, thinking about this project in the future.


Ground freezing like was done under tracks at North Station during Boston’s Big Dig comes quickly to mind.


I did watch the Six Forks to Atlantic project that required digging under the tracks there. It was quite an ordeal with lots of shoring/sheet piling and incremental advancement of the opening both laterally and to depth. I imagine the nature of supporting a train at all, will make it not all that unique in this spot. But, yes, one platform at a time would seem to correspond to what I saw at Six Forks.

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A source tells me building permits have been issued for the warehouse space across Cabarrus on the Clancy and Thayes land (actually a couple of months ago). Likely tenants of that unfit warehouse are Bull City Cider Works and Oak City Rum. This is likely intended to be a “temporary” project to last 10-12 years due to the cell tower lease. So, don’t be surprised if we see something happening here any day, or 6 months from now.

Based on @Deb’s info perhaps Q4 start.
Refresher on this project here.


Take this with a grain of salt. I know enough to be dangerous… but a little digging shows these permits estimate about $1.3m in construction costs across the two buildings. Issued on 2/7/2020.

Very exciting!


I really hope something starts happening any day because the West St side of this property is an eyesore with trash piling up along the sidewalk. It will be nice to see this property transform.

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Bull City or Bill City :crazy_face:? Interesting!

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