You get a participation award!
per generational rules! #mykidsanhonorstudent bumper stickers.
I will donate my turn to provide a picture to Mr. Second Place, @GucciLittlePig
I know because I was there but I’m not going to ruin the fun.
If nobody gets it later today, I’ll post a Follow-Up “hint” that’ll give it away.
No idea, but it looks very historic. I hope it never gets torn down to make way for housing.
This topic love photos from Char Grill. Here’s one!
The defunct Taylor’s Capital Service on Hillsborough.
Next door to the home of the happy walk up window and the must be saved in future redevelopment wavy canopy…
I know it’s not my turn but I have to see who else has been inducted into the society of the secret kitten.
@Deb was up first with the answer, so should be her pic up next…
Funny thing, your full pic pretty much sums up the grimy reality of the traditional parking lot alongside the shinier new multi-level deck across the street - both kinda in their own way…
Ooh is that loveseat still available??
It’s been 13 days. Here’s a new one to guess. Except you, @GucciLittlePig .
I don’t know but this is sickk…
Well, we know that we need to narrow down locations by the color of that brick.