Wild Ideas for Raleigh

have at it


so you’re telling me there’s a chance


There’s a rail line that goes through Dix Park… it could literally be served by rail.


If you want something iconic a sklylift or aerial tram would the way to go and charge a small fee to ride. But if theme parks and other places can operate them safely why not the city?


The gondola is an incredible idea. Would be amazing branding for the city. I’d love to see it expand over time from out of Dix to a few other parts of great DTR like NC State, Centennial Campus, Train station etc


sometimes you need a Big Idea to stand out and with Raleigh’s emphasis on technology what not a better way to connect Dix Park with downtown and the convention center with something like this? Modular Transit Smart Autonomous Electric Vehicles | Swyft Cities

This would help attract conventions and more tourism to the city for sure and be a real way to connect downtown with the Dix Park which is not an easy walk.


I went through the report finally and it’s a nice read, that some huge playbook that’s dry as hell. Anyway, since the report is a read on its own, I tried to have fun with it and make a list of which of the 10 strategies I think we will most likely see and which ones we won’t. Probably not a shocker to those on this forum that integrating downtown with the state government campus is the least likely to happen but GOD do I want to be wrong on that.



There’s no financial information in the report, not even a rough categorization of which items are seven figures, which are eight figures, and which are nine figures.

Integrating the state government area better would be HUGE for downtown. I am also hopeful… but not optimistic. Going based on this article, the state government seems to be completely uninterested in being a part of the city.

One thing you won’t see in the new state government buildings: Privately owned shops and restaurants. That was a goal of former Gov. Pat McCrory, who proposed mixed-use buildings to house state offices as part of his “Project Phoenix” initiative. Coble sees things differently. “Our job is to be the government, and so that’s what we need to be doing, not worrying about, ‘is there a Chick-fil-A on the ground floor, and is it doing well or not?’” he said.

If Paul Coble, who is coordinating this redevelopment and was formerly the mayor of Raleigh, is giving zero consideration to how the state government campus relates to the rest of the city, then I doubt anyone else in charge is advocating for the city.

Some context for people who don’t walk around that area of downtown much, the state government campus area is a huge dead zone in the urban fabric. For illustrative purposes, here’s a Google Maps search for restaurants:


Yeah his borderline apathy to developing any Gov’t buildings with any consideration for the pedestrian experience or better fitting into the urban fabric of the city these buildings are LITERALLY in the middle of drives me NUTS! Insane I have to side with PAT MCCRORY over a FORMER MAYOR of Raleigh on this……


I have lived here 13 years now, and have never in been to the Sate government part of DTR. I have been to the State House and on Jones St where the museums are. But nothing in between there until you get to Seaboard. It is a serious dead zone.

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When I lived at the Elan, it was kind of fun that Halifax Mall felt like our personal backyard, but otherwise you’re totally right.


Hmm…I wonder which political party he belongs to?

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