307/309/311/313 West Martin Street Rezoning

Nope. No E. Just wait.

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I appreciate you sticking with me on this, @R-Dub. :slight_smile:

Now back on topic, folks!

Welcome to the City of Raligh.


Looks like this zoning has been approved by the council 7-0


Wasn’t this put on hold last month due to questions around height and of course affordable housing? And they just got a unanimous approval? Hope this is a good sign of what to expect tonight!


Yes from June 6 to today. I’m not sure if this portends anything for the Kane property because “traffic” doesn’t seem to be a concern with the Martin St parcel. Since it’s nestled in the middle of the warehouse district I don’t think anyone really complained about it where as Smok(e)y Hollow Phase 3 is on the edge of downtown it seems like some people are going to complain about it. I could fully see some council members voting for the Martin St rezoning and opposing Kane just so they can claim they’re not anti growth.


She’d better show up tonight. If the other rezoning fails by 1 vote, I’m gonna be sad…


Where is the $1M for affordable housing?


Really late (I know) but what ever happened to that tower that was supposed to be put in in that lot behind the Dillon? I read about it in the DTRaleigh post in December but have heard nothing since.


Here’s the thread. Not dead.

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One of the principal developers for this project has died. Steve Schuster, owner of Clearscapes also designed Union Station, died August 16. No details. Huge loss for our downtown and our city. Steve & Mary Ann designed & developed a loft in the W. Martin Street building in 1991.


Thank you for this very sad news. I enjoyed his work. Definitely a loss for Raleigh.

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Oh my gosh, I had no idea. He had cancer.

Along with Phil Freelon, that’s arguably the two most celebrated architects of our region, and the two that made the biggest impact, gone within a month of each other. My heart goes out to their families. A huge loss.

EDIT: here’s a great article on Schuster’s legacy and his impact on downtown’s revatilization.


Resurrecting this thread to see where things stand in light of Schuster’s death earlier this year. With the rezoning passed, what are/would be the next steps if this were still moving forward?

I truly hope this is still moving forward, in Steve’s honor. The plans called for a 12-story tower and lots of activated ground floor, while maintaining the old Martin St fronting buildings that currently give this block so much of its charm.


A post was merged into an existing topic: CAM Block Redevelopment

That was for the CAM block. This site was approved for rezoning to DX-12-SH-CU for a residential tower behind the Clearscapes warehouse. Current status unclear.


The warehouse on the corner beside The Pit on Davie St. directly behind Schuster’s residence is screaming for redevelopment. It appears to be vacant. It would make a great restaurant or some other retail.


This one?

The owner has absolutely interest to sell. I think he’s currently using it as storage and last I heard intends to hand it down to family. That could have changed or could change at any point in the future.
I also think he might own the parking lot next door too but I’m not 100% sure.


Do you have a contact for the owner?