307/309/311/313 West Martin Street Rezoning

Just the bar at Crank Arm occasionally :joy:


Interesting. a lot of money was spent not that long ago replacing that dock structure. I assumed it was to begin to configure an outdoor patio for a restaurant, but nothing at all has happened since then.

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I’ve heard the same about this building (probably the same source). Apparently Empire has been trying for years to purchase it with no luck. Must be nice to not even care about $9k in taxes a year for property that’s sitting idle.


The parking lot for the old Clearscapes residential tower (12 floors?) - rezoning request upcoming to 20 floors… historic warehouses within 85’ of Martin being kept (potentially added onto up to 5 floors total for that portion)


Had to read it myself.

  1. The portion of the existing buildings named as contributing structures to the Depot National Register
    Historic District located on PIN 1703575747 (Deed Book 010524, Page 00475 of the Wake County
    Registry) within 85 feet of the right-of-way of West Martin Street shall be preserved. The remainder of
    the structures may be removed.
  2. Existing historic structures may be removed from the property in the event of disaster or
    unintentional damage. Structures replacing a historic building named as contributing structures to the
    Depot National Historic District shall be constructed with similar materials as those replaced.

And here’s the part describing what they can add on top of the existing buildings. So sounds like it would be brick and not something along the lines of the Lumsden building addition.


Wow, honestly all seems like a win to me! The great street-front presence is preserved (I really do love that stretch of Martin), with even more opportunity for height/density in the empty surface lots connecting to those buildings.

Just hope there is still the option for a pedestrian-only retail plaza along Commerce as was initially planned


I thought this was already upzoned before the founder of Clearscapes passed? Maybe I’m mixing it up with something else.

Agree that Commerce is pointless for cars but is a great connector for pedestrians between Martin and Davie and could be great as a retail plaza!


That’s a dumb rule. Counter-productive in terms of preserving history.

Yea maybe. But it’s a self-imposed rule so maybe they already have a design approach in mind? I’m gonna trust Clearscapes on this one.

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I was right, but not 100%. This was up-zoned, but to 12 from 5, not 20 or 40 (mid '19).


It was in the original plans!

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Ah, I misread that. Agreed, not worried if it’s proposed by Clearscapes… just thought it was a silly limitation if imposed by the city. Carry on!

The only thing that worries me here is the part that exempts them preserving in the case of a nebulous “unitentional damage”. Also, who determines how much “unintentional damage” is required to raise the entire building?

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pretty standard stuff. same language for Dillon and RUSBus.


I’ve got a good mechanic that will declare the building "totaled’ with a fender scrape.


Ironically, I had to find someone who would fight to fix my car after my insurance company wanted to total it. I still have that car 22 years later.


Needs new wheels.

What’s the deal with the skinny southern strip? It and the strip along the SW corner don’t seem like much use to anyone.

Give to city, plant trees and benches; make urban park

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