Yeah, there’s no way 2 floors of parking (which I have to say are well hidden in this rendering) is enough for the entire project.
400 H, ASR-SR-9-2017
Submitted year: 2019
Plan type: DSLC - Administrative Site Review [ASR]
Status: Approved
Can somebody translate this wire update to me please? Could this mean they are actually doing something
There’s usually a site plan/application link that provides a lot of info but not here.
Wow, site plan process nearly three years old.
Still waiting on a unicorn I guess with this 3 year old ‘in planning’ project.
Edison Tower: Hold my beer
Personally, I would rather move forward with the Edison Tower, and send this site back to the drawing board. OR better yet, 400H could become Smokey Hollow Phase V!!
Site Plans revised to include 242 residential units instead of the previously 220. This means they had to add more parking so that explained the new submissions.
Another point made in the new filing. Looks like this project will include expanding an existing parking deck to the northwest of 400H. So that might mean they’re going to add a lot of floors of parking to Power House Square Parking Deck.
Adding floors to the powerhouse deck was part of the original plan. And if I’m reading it correctly, they had already proposed extra spaces, so this new change doesn’t require any additional parking, just the change of residential units.
Interesting change. Must be changing some of the office floors to residential floors since the gross square footage isn’t changing.
That could be the case. I wonder if this change is due to a request from the financier/loan-provider.
I emailed the contact on the ASR asking if we should be excited or just chill.
I’ll let you know what I hear back if anything.
Very interesting!
I still think that this is a delay tactic and they are just trying to obtain more time to possibly sale or…or…or…
This is also interesting:
Obviously they aren’t going to have the “entire site plan…completed” by 6/5/2020.
I read that as next June is the deadline for a building permit. Then 4 years allowed for construction.
Four years to complete construction?
Or four years before construction needs to start?
Very big difference…
My interpretation is 4 years after issuance of building permit, construction must be complete.
WOW…that is booking, so to speak…Lol
Take this for what it’s worth but the response is that they plan to advance the project some time next year.
That’s a good one.
“plan to advace … some time next year” is rather vague
I’m asking them to pass my info along to the developer but don’t expect much there.