About the Transit and Transportation category

This category is for all things transit and transportation. This would include the planning of public and private services for human mobility. Buses, trains, cars, bicycles, scooters, sidewalks, anything that gets a person from point A to point B and the support services around it.

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I feel that with the Onslaught of People relocating to the Triangle Area, Go Raleigh and Go Triangle Buses should run Longer Hours. From 5:00am to 1:00am Seven Days a Week. IF…Amazon and Apple come here to RTP…it will become a Gigantic Boost to not Only Raleigh but Durham and Chapel Hill as well. Since we are focusing more on DTR…Buildings will have to go Up and 20 stories Tall is not enough. One can expand to the Gateway area and even in/around the Capital District to accommodate these buildings. Raleigh shouldn’t fear the Outcome…only embrace it and move forward.

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I really wish we had streetcars/trams connecting Raleigh, Durham, RTP, and the airport.


I had to take my Car to the mechanic so I have been taking the Bus to work, and I notice that more people are commuting. Its a good thing, but i wish more would use GoTriangle buses as well as Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill buses. As the Triangle continues to grow, Transit in the region is much needed.

Note : bus was pretty full this morning.

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