Amazon HQ2 Downtown?

Hate to get something started here, BUTttt. Fayetteville block rezoning with no plans (as pointed out then why), SE Peace (waiting to unicorn, code for big um A??), CAN block (again rezoning but no plans), makes the 3rd mysterious zoning change. Also 300 Hillsborough street being build on spec, 6 months ago almost no one would build without a big lease.

Seems there is a lot of strange things going on in downtown.

Um could there be a lot of behind the scenes activity putting together plans for lot’s of office space without saying who it is really for !!!

Just my conspiracy theory of the day.


Well when it comes to 300 Hillsborough being built on spec, look at One Glenwood and The Dillon. I almost feel bad for the developers of 400 hillsborough. If they had built that a couple years ago, it would be fully occupied at this point, but yet they still wait for an anchor tenant.

But that is their history…propose some big a$$ office building. Get no takers. Build smaller. or not at all. They’ll end up either selling to Highwoods or Kane or just handing it off to an apartment building developer (like they did with Skyhouse) and we’ll get a squat 6 story dealio again. Actually, it would not surprise me to end up with another Skyhouse here. Several cities have two of those.