Big Retail and Chain Restaurants in DTR

Unpopular opinion - bring on the chains. Way too many local businesses in DTR already struggling to survive. Give us some variety for once and bring in some proven chain retailers that’ll not only survive, but thrive in DTR (while also bringing in additional visitors to downtown if it’s a chain that we don’t have currently, or have in very limited amounts)


Arguably the most important retail that has come to downtown in memory is a chain: Publix. I am not against bringing some chains to downtown if they improve the lives and experiences of its residents.


Ditto. I think it might’ve been @Boltman that suggested a Chipotle in Smoky Hollow…Not my first chain choice, but a great example of something that would work in DTR and drive lots of foot traffic to any area it’s in.

Hell, I’d even love to even see a Bojangle’s or a 24-hour Walgreen’s (something Raleigh is sorely lacking) anywhere downtown (I know we have plenty of both in Raleigh, but another example of two popular chains that’d instantly enhance the downtown experience wherever they are).


Revive the Taco Bell Cantina that closed on Hillsborough, but put it in 400H. Since Cook-Out already has a walk-up model, put one in a small space for walk-up and al fresco eating only. I also love the idea of Bo’s since it too is NC founded. Pick any one of the 3.
Yes, yes, yes to a 24H Walgreens/CVS.
I think that Urban Outfitters would do better in 400H where it would have more visibility and walkable access to more residents.
I would love to see Lee’s Tailors open there too.


I’ll take a Potbelly to break curse that currently sits at the bottom of the Duke Energy building. :smiley:


YES to all of this.

And Lee’s Tailors >>>


Del Friscos double eye steak, world of beer, something millennials like I work at Georginos, it upper class in North Hills.


The reason for Publix’s success is that it’s one of the few grocery stores near actual downtown (closer than HT at The Village).

Downtown needs shopping retail. The restaurant scene is fine without chain restaurants although I won’t say I’ll hate having one as long as it doesn’t come with a drive thru or numerous parking pickup spots. I would like more retail near the Urban Outfitters. Throw in a couple of clothing stores or shops similar to what you see at a mall (Oculus NYC or Metro Center DC), and it would be a good shopping destination. The two places above are good as well since they provide car free environments which DTR is lacking. Halifax Mall is another option. I believe there were previous talks for Halifax Mall. I believe it was only designs of what could be.

I won’t complain because moving this downtown means the stores probably wouldn’t exist in the mall which means I won’t have as easy access :innocent:, but it would definitely be a good addition for downtown.


Fun fact: Publix @ SH is an actual downtown proper location.
Going to the site’s way-back machine, the boundary map is here.


That and nightclubs, yes.