Bike Lanes in and around DTR

For everyone talking about the importance of better biking infrastructure downtown - there is a prime opportunity to come voice your support this week! For those that are able, please stop by the Convention Center between 4pm - 7pm on 3/13 to learn more about the downtown plan for Raleigh, details below. Write up here on Raleigh 4 All: image


Woah good job, Austin Texas.

Raleigh is slowly becoming even more backwards as other sprawled cities pass us by.


Austin is rated by the League of American Bicyclists as a gold level cycling city. Raleigh is at the bronze level.

(Platinum level cities are Boulder, Davis, Fort Collins, Madison, and Portland)


I am curious what this forum thinks are the biggest hurdles keeping Raleigh from building safe biking corridors through downtown. I believe that if we had even one protected bike lane through downtown Raleigh which connected between two of our Greenways, it would be a game changer in the way people view transportation by bike and scooter.

We have built a city which is very difficult in which to live and work if you don’t have a car. We hear lip service about ‘multi-modal’ transportation and Affordable Housing but the truth is, the cost of housing and transportation is often 50% or more of most households in Raleigh, especially for those living or working downtown. We need a game changer.

As we are ramping up bus service, bike and bus is becoming a more viable commuting option. As we are implementing bike share options, including e-bikes, bike commuting is becoming a more viable option.

So here is the question: What ideas do you have about the #1 most important action we could take to get the first protected, connected bike lane in downtown Raleigh?


I think that’s a really good idea. While the trails and greenways are not intended for commuting, and evening use, they would get used for daytime commutes if properly connected.


I firmly believe that city staff could execute on providing some premium biking infra but council is not directing our city manager to allocate dollars (at the expense of other transportation projects) to do these types of things.

More and more, I am convinced that we need to take it to the council with newly elected officials that can stand up to the naysayers against bike lanes and how they are perceived to take space away from parking and cars. Plain and simple in my book.


What city would you guys consider to be the best-designed from a biking perspective?

People that bitch and moan every time a bike lane is painted into a street.

Unquestionably any major city in Denmark. Danish style bike lanes would work better than Dutch style bike lanes that compromise too much due to having narrower streets. Odense, Aarhus, Copenhagen. The way they’re design means that pedestrians, bikers, and car drivers have as little interference with each other as possible.


I am very much someone who thinks cars and parking are important still (minority on here, I know), but I fully support funding and building bike infrastructure. And public transit obviously. I don’t think (or hope not, at least) that most people are anti bikes.

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I think the cars are not leaving but we should do more and more to get people out of cars. Like real safe usable bike lanes. I was disappointed at the transportation event that all forms of transportation they displayed were on the roads. How about commuter rail, light rail, bike trails or anything not on the street??

Keep building a downtown where cars are less necessary for a greater number of things. Raleigh’s best immediate hope is to grow its population downtown in a way that results in fewer car miles traveled per every new resident.


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A post was merged into an existing topic: Raleigh Bikeshare

Those interested in protected bike facilities in DTR need to show up for the Harrington Street cycle track pilot weekend 4/5-4/7. Here are a couple links:

This will only be a temporary installation of a short cycle track but we need to be there, ride the thing, and give feedback.

Longer term I think @dtraleigh is right that we need some turnover on city council. Also @John is correct that we need the downtown population to grow.


Yes, visit and provide feedback on the the pop up installation of the Harrington St Cycle Track Friday, April 5 pm - noon Sunday, April 7. Also, Oaks & Spokes is still seeking volunteers to help make the event go smoothly. Click here to see the positions needed.

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Yes, what @djberryann said. I signed up to help out.


Thank you so much for sharing this! I signed up, and am eager to help!

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(loud audible sigh)