Blue Ridge Corridor

I’ve sort of had an eye on this lot for quite a while. All I have to say is we are fortunate it did not develop 20 years ago as a surface parked 2 story suburban office building like most of the surrounding area.

I don’t have super high expectations but this is actually a pretty good location. I hope they go for an urban site plan and fit in some retail on the ground floor.


Yeah most of the existing development around here is old and tiny and ugly. I’m happy for whatever anyone builds here, since there’s so much emptiness even now. Honestly I don’t really think 20 story towers are needed here in the next few decades. I’d much rather see that stuff around downtown, even if this area is planned in someone’s mind to be a node of development.


First floor retail and 6 on top apartment with 10’ multi use path.

7-stories total, then? That’s definitely substantial for this area!

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Sounds like it. Just hope there isn’t a blank wall of parking facing the museum.


Congratulations!!! You’ve now just ENSURED that there will be :rofl: (let’s be realistic, there was always going to be lmaooooooo)

Blank wall… or potential blank canvas? Let’s be positive here :art: :framed_picture:


No doubt that the ass-end of a 5 over 1, with any exposed parking, will be backing up to the art museum. That will happen if the city does nothing to address it.

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You’d hope that windows with views of the art museum would be viewed as an amentity and this alone would incentivize the developer to not build a blank wall.


The deck is under ground and in center with apartments all around. Pool is on MoA side and the site has creek along that border. So nice views with apartments facing MoA. So one floor under will look 5 over 1 retail on Blue Ridge side. ASR should be in soon.


I don’t quite know where to put this one, but an ASR was just submitted for a 5 story 267 unit apartment complex adjacent to the Fairgrounds at the corner of Hillsborough Street and Youth Center Drive.

There is nothing particularly monumental or interesting about this proposal, I just find it interesting that we’re at a point where structured parking now seems to be the default for an apartment complex in Raleigh, in just about any location.

5200 Hillsborough


This area desperately needs to densify, especially since NCDOT seems serious about a rail station here. (And we’ll get some sidewalks!)

Big fan of this.


I was just about to say the same thing. The residential density along Hillsborough/Chapel Hill Road/NC-54 (parallel to the rail line) is dramatically increasing in just the past few years. While any passenger rail is a long way out, this corridor is already transforming itself into a TOD part of town.


Wish there was some commercial, but I actually like seeing on-street parking here. It should help to slow down traffic on Hillsborough Street.


Went down Hillsborough and was pleasantly surprised that some of the muli-use path has been done which will eventually connect to Meredith College


How will that path cross the beltline? Does anyone know the name of the project? I’d be curious to see the plans.

It’s part of the I-440 widening. The path with cross the belt line and connect to the Reedy Creek Greenway on Meredith’s campus.


Snapped this on my way to the office of the DHHS building. Looks like it is topped out, and some cladding starting to go up on the eastern side.


Here’s the maps, map 4 and 6 shows how the path will connect


Office building making progress on Edwards Mill Rd, slightly past the Bandwidth HQ.