Blue Ridge Corridor

I agree. If the City wants people to walk then provide safe pathway. I could see where that area would be easy walk to MOA, restaurants along Lake Boone. Just needs options along Blue Ridge.


Zoomed in from the south end of Blue Ridge Rd


Popping up at the Art Museum


OMG, shadows ruining the Art-Paaahhrrrk !?!?

There are a few potential projects in the works that will require rezoning and demo of existing medical buildings. Worth it if we trade 2-3 story for 5 over 1.

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I am hearing about neighborhood meeting/rezoning of 2500 Blue Ridge to 6-7 stories with retail first floor. That plus the PNC developments this area is going to change.


That would be a good spot to go taller. Not crazy, but 12 or so. You will have great views above the tree line.


Retail right across the street from Rex would be a Godsend. Have spent many hours over the years visiting people at Rex and having to get in the car to go find food better than what’s available at the Rex cafeteria is annoying. This place would be no farther from the hospital than much of the hospital’s parking!


Here’s from the DHHS roof level (12th floor). Funny how far away the Weld towers will be from downtown from this angle.


just means there needs to be MORE STUFF between downtown-proper and The Weld!


I like it! This area is slowly becoming more and more walkable.
In other news…
Last night the Raleigh Planning Commission recommended approval of the Toll Bros rezoning request to a mixed-use 6-7 story project at 3725 Harden Rd. As a resident of the adjacent neighborhood, I’m fine with this development but many of my neighbors are not! I’m sure this is not a done deal.


IMHO, the Toll Brothers project will get done. The area needs density. The additional units within walking distance to Rex, MOA, and restaurants at Lake Boone & Landmark. City Barbecue, Vic’s, the Oak, and Guasaca. Yes, Harden needs sidewalks and improvements.


Just read on TBJ that Highwoods is considering tearing down the medical office building at the corner of Blue Ridge and Lake Boone for another mixed use apartment building. The rezoning would go from 3 stories to 7 with retail ranging between 5k-10k sq ft. The project would include around 250 to 275 apartments.

As someone that lives in Meredith Woods, I’m all for it, but hopefully some improvements to Lake Boone will be made. Late afternoon, Lake Boone is a nightmare. If you’re coming up from the beltline towards Blue Ridge and you need to turn right to get onto Nancy Ann or Myron it’s almost impossible. They installed traffic lights at Nancy Ann and Landmark, but they have a yellow flashing arrow which makes the light worthless.

I love the idea of having more retail options to walk to from my house.


I thought that was the building Highwoods was considering renovating to convert from office to apartments. Would be the first of such conversion in Wake County?

A conversion is also on the table. Drove through there yesterday. It would be a weird place to live. You’d basically be living in an office park. There’s seven other buildings that would stay as is. Seems like one of the buildings that back up to Harden would make more sense.



What a shocking surprise.

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Yup, could’ve seen this coming. Nobody wants to work for their f**king weirdo CEO.

Article mentions they also purchased Voxbone this week for 519.4 mil.

“the Voxbone acquisition caused the company to adjust growth and hiring plans across its markets.”