Branding Raleigh to the World

Oh, no, I totally agree with your interpretations! I didn’t mean my negativity to be directed at you or the message itself. Rather, I felt like we already have plenty of examples of similar rankings (of …varying… quality) in the MSA thread. I didn’t think this YouTuber seemed influential or interesting, so it wasn’t clear to me why this particular video should be interesting.

This wasn’t entirely obvious to me, so I just thought it was some random self-proclaimed ~pro content producer~

…though I take that back, after further research :sweat_smile:

(I still stand by what I said about his annoying voice, though.)

That’s a good point, and to be fair, it’ll probably be even clearer once this year’s census is out. I guess the opposite of that stands true, too: if Raleigh can go at it and stand in the national stage alone, there’s no reason to keep it from fulfilling that dream either.

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