Bring MLB To Raleigh

Apple literally already has over 3,000 employees located in the Triangle as of early 2024. It’s not like they’re going to leave. I don’t want Gov Crazy either, but I’m certainly not worried about Apple leaving if he does. I think we’ll see NC vote Trump for Pres and Josh Stein for Gov just like NC did in 2016 and 2020 for Trump and Cooper.

I mean he’s all about “great American Patriot” stuff, and baseball being the all American sport, I think he’d be open to being lobbied to support it by the guy (Dundon) paying most of what it’ll cost to bring the team to Raleigh. Especially if it makes him seem like a big hero or something. If he DOES win, I doubt he gets a 2nd term, and i doubt we’ll have much concrete for a team expansion before 2028 unless it’s a relocation of an existing team from somewhere else.