Bring MLB To Raleigh

I might show up!!! I gotta see what going in first.

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Great event yesterday. Enjoyed looking at all the different potential names/logos.


this will never not be my favorite concept


Which concept won the contest? All of those options were terrible :man_facepalming:t4:


The design “contest” was meant to be a bit more on the fun side than the serious side. We knew that the future ownership group would own the branding process, so for the sake of a fun activity, we asked the designers to push the creative envelope. Basically, we didn’t want to end up with 12 basic “R” or “C” caps in different colors.


Hounds or Capitals please


I really like the Hounds one

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better than cottonmouths i guess

Raleigh Hounds or Raleigh Capitals

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I can’t really understand the capitals name. Calling a Raleigh team the capitals in a league that extends beyond NC makes no sense. That name would only fly for Washington or an MLB2Ottawa team.

Not that it matters, but even the capitals logo presented is an exact knock off of the Detroit Tigers logo.


It’s the original minor league team name


It could be nice nod to them. Like pace homage.


I agree, it works for a Carolinas league team, and maybe it would be a fun throwback/alternate kind of uniform but calling ourselves the Capitals in a nation-wide league wouldn’t make sense. The rest of the country would not take us seriously.


I mean, we are a state capital (when half the country seems to think it’s Charlotte).

Plus, the MLB has two teams named after “Sox,” as well as Yankees, Phillies, and Athletics. Silly regional names are part of the joy.


True, but it’s not a state league. I personally would find it strange if the Rockies were named the Colorado Capitals, or if the Braves were named the Atlanta Capitals.

It doesn’t help that the “Capitals” is already associated with the Washington DC hockey team.


Bring on the Reapers, let ‘em know we spicy and not to be trifled wit’!


Agree that the Capitals is silly and would be viewed as amateur hour nation wide.


I wouldn’t mind the Capitals except for the fact DC already has a major league team called that. But since they do, I don’t think it’s a great enough name to go down that route of confusing people. But also just to say that I think DC has the absolute worst names for their pro teams. The Capitals is the only one I kinda don’t mind.


This was always set up to be a 3-8 year project. At least that was our thought when we started.

We knew the odds of this catching on with the general public, then the media, then making its way to the government and eventually getting an investor was a true long shot (although we thought it was achievable).

Because of that, we didn’t want ‘getting MLB to Raleigh’ to be the only possible win. That’s why we incorporated the partnership with the Boys/Girls Club and the non-profit model. We also set out to use this opportunity to explore Raleigh’s brand.

The design event took place early on in the movement and the designers were tasked to have fun and think about things that make Raleigh special/unique.

We didn’t want to flood the market with a whole bunch of R logos because we needed that assets to continue to be the recognizable calling card of the MLB Raleigh brand (which was in it’s infancy).

Down the line, we may do this type of thing again but task designers with digging into MLB brands and coming up with some concepts that would/could be ok’d by MLB.


Go Raleigh Capitals! I’m old and set in my ways! :heart_eyes::baseball: