Bring MLB To Raleigh

@mmodlin I can confirm that the TTC property still checks every one of the boxes you mention, and everyone here will still hate this idea as much as they did five years ago. :slight_smile: Bring MLB To Raleigh - #76 by daviddonovan

(Also, there will never, ever be a baseball stadium at the Cargill site, which the city recently purchased for the purpose of building affordable housing there.)

@ammulli It’s an extremely tough crowd here. Always has been.

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Triangle Town center good sport there no CAC there just a lot of shooting Carter and minorities because that area is predominately black and hispanic I live by there the only people I could see complaining are maybe some neighborhood folks but I don’t think a lot of people would care over there. But I live in the only established neighborhood in that area and it mostly renters no owners in fact my parents are one of the only people who owns a house in the neighborhood at least in my stretch of it which is behind TTC. Its mostly apartments that are new and more are going up, wake tech’s north campus is back there, its just getting people like the owners of Triangle Town center to agree to give it up and destroy that mall which is as old as I am.

There is a hotel on the Triangle Town Center property but the only thing I could see is some opposition to the mall getting destroyed but I don’t think people my age even know how to get to city council nor do they care its just a empty mall that’s a hangout spot for them though I wouldn’t try to underestimate them either cause they could react negatively to the possibility of a mall getting torn down. I just go there to eat while I’d be sad to see the mall go I don’t think the young folks and blacks and hispanics would really care too much the mall is boring and is dying anyways.

They may not even have any idea about MLB coming here, it also becoming very dense back there. But again blacks and hispanics could react negatively to the idea about the mall being torn down again don’t underestimate them but at the same time I couldn’t also see them caring too much. If Dundon chooses that site at least call it a triangle town center mall renovation try to make it look like it’s not going away it just being redone with the addition of an MLB Stadium, there benefits its near Capital Blvd, and 540. Actually I change my mind be afraid of the blacks and hispanics they actually might care. @Loup20

Please do I really no time to proofread it im going through a really bad situation with my family feel free to edit or even copy and paste it and send me a message so I can read edit it

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Ive broken it up to 3 paragraphs.