Dorothea Dix Park

Move the Morehead School to some existing/renovated buildings on the Dix property, or elsewhere, and expand Pullen eastward through the entire property. Create safe crossing from the expanded park to Dix either overhead or under the blvd. This would make a much more effective central park that would be more accessible to Raleigh’s urban core.
Ultimately, it would be even better if Pullen could expand all the way through the Central Prison property.


I like that. A continuous park from Boylan Heights to NC State would be awesome.

2 Likes finally has a database of documents for reference. Here’s a link to the draft masterplan:


I walk along Lake Wheeler Rd near Tryon Rd…to the Farmers Market…and along Centennial Pkwy sometimes straight to DTR to catch the GoTriangle Bus to work. Everyday.

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Okay, I’m jealous! :blush:
I would love to enjoy what must be an awesome trek…when you get the chance post a pic or two. Nothing like a personal point of view and perspective imho :sunglasses:

19 posts were merged into an existing topic: Rail Line to Fuquay-Varina

Chance to hang out in the new train station and talk about Dix.

Fourth Public Community Meeting

What will Dix Park become in the future? Our fourth meeting will bring together all the ideas and suggestions from earlier meetings and showcase program options for the park. Join us on Thursday, October 4th at the new Union Station to learn more, engage with the design team, and provide feedback.


@dtraleigh Looks like there is already a thread for the Fuquay to DRT rail line… any chance we could move this convo over there and get back to Dix Park here?

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The N&O ran an article about 5 days ago raising the possibility of a boutique hotel at Dix Park.:
Personally, I think this would be a great thing for the park, as it would not only provide a unique hotel for our city but also a source of income at the park.


I love this idea too!

Done. Sorry for the delayed response.

Interesting new park in Tulsa shows what is possible in public park design. I don’t necessarily think that we should do exactly this at Dix, but parts of it do look awesome.


Also designed by MVVA. It’s a bit too theme park-ish for my tastes, but they didn’t ask me.

The landing page on the park’s site has a nice video showing what a real-life land bridge looks like:

A former rail corridor is used to connect Riverparks east bank trail and Riverparks west bank trail. On the east side the trail wraps around the park boundary. There’s even a pedestrian bridge over the Arkansas river to allow walking access to the park from both sides of the river - nice.

If only Dix park had a railroad running through it that could allow pedestrian access to the park and also connect to our existing greenway system.


This park and Dix have the same landscape architect :grin:

Dix Park just announced that mid-October they will release the draft master plan.


Pullen Dix Land Bridge


Loving the idea of that land bridge!

That looks cool and gosh what a fantastic concept, but what annoys me about what I have seen of the land bridge is that it crosses Western but not Ashe. Ashe is much smaller than Western, but Ashe is busy nonetheless, and Dix Park promises to make it more so. People turning off of Western onto Ashe or vice versa are busy enough looking for a hole in traffic to make their turn so they aren’t really looking for pedestrians. Even crossing Ashe on foot near Western can feel a bit treacherous at times.

So IMO it doesn’t really connect to Pullen Park nor does it really make a connection for the Rocky Branch Greenway. It seems like they are gearing up to spend millions of dollars on something eye popping with lots of pizzazz that falls short on substance.

Gosh I need to stop being so negative.


I would think that the Western/Ashe intersection is going to need to be reworked at some point. It’s currently quite hostile to almost every mode of transportation and especially pedestrians. Yet it’s also the entrance to a park, the confluence of green ways, and the location of bus stops. It needs desperate help.


More pictures from the Dix Park event at Union Station. Bad news, car-centric. Good news at least we’re moving forward