Dorothea Dix Park

Here’s the link to the Fall ‘23 update report for The Stone Houses:

According to the report, we should start to see major changes with the properties and grounds. Sadly, there are no landscape renderings shown so could someone keep track of the progress and post pictures from time-to-time? :pray:t4:


I noticed the progress on those cool old houses recently. New roofs, windows, tuck pointing, etc. they are looking sharp!!

Also some of the crazy playground equipment is taking shape in the gipson play plaza. Couple this with the added hammocks, benches, wayfinding, and playground equipment elsewhere in the park, and Dix will very soon be an interesting destination. My friends and family treat it like the beach - we go out there with blankets, picnics, chairs, games. It’s awesome.


I once got stuck in “It’s a Small World”. For 45 minutes we had to listen to the same room sing that freaking song over and over and over. I think that I’d rather face falling from the sky than to listen to that song again!

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We got stuck on Pirates of the Caribbean at the point where you can see the exit. We sat there for nearly a hour listening to “Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate’s life for me…” over and over and over with our 3 year old twins. They gave us a fast pass for the inconvenience, but that damn song is still stuck in my brain 11 years later.


After they couldn’t get the ride running again, they allowed us to get out of the “boat” and climb through the ride to an emergency exit door.

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First time seeing this fly-through video of the Gipson Play Plaza

Gipson Play Plaza at Dix Park on Vimeo


As much hype as Cary’s new downtown park is getting (and rightfully so), Dix is just gonna hit on a different scale! It’s just going to happen piecemeal over a long period of time.


I’m just worried Gipson Play area has a “Summer 2024” opening… and then based on the City’s website, the front door main entrance - Lake Wheeler Rd - is scheduled to be ripped up and redone starting “Fall 2024”. Big yikes.


Yeah… pretty poor planning, there. “Welcome to the brand new Gipson Play area!!! We’re making it as difficult as possible to get to right as it opens!!!”

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The last thing they need to do is rush, unforeseen circumstances always happen with large projects like this. I just hope that it’s done well so that it will last the test of time (especially the new climate).


Gipson Play area


i was in there for nearly 70 days…we had a bit bit of green space, found 5 four leaf clovers

Not sure if this should go here. But I don’t think Dix Park would allow storage on their property for other entities.

There is a crane, disassembled, and what I would consider pre fabricated walls with doors or windows near Western and Hunt Dr. The crane had been there for several weeks, but the doors/windows are new as of January 29th. I’ve attached a few pictures.

Anyone know what this could be for? Maybe for Gipson Play area?


The exterior siding on the trailers look identical to the exterior puzzle pieces for Capital Square.


Wow you are right. I was thinking the same thing. Maybe one of those midnight delivery trucks got lost in the middle of the night.

Let tell you something when I came back from
Grocery I saw this truck heading to to Raleigh and it’s was day time

I think you guys are right. They’re staging them here and probably taking a nap before the midnight deliveries onsite crackhead.

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Looks like they already have a few of the structures for Gipson Play Plaza. Feel like this one is flying under the radar.


HAHA…looks like its ready for someone to light a match! :wink: :joy: :rofl:

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With this new park area, the Lake Wheeler Road upgrade, and all of the prospective new development around the Weld and Maywood, this area of Raleigh will probably look the most different in 10 years.