Fayetteville Street Developments and Vitality

they weren’t forced, it was basically coercion by the M&F Bank that is close to the sidewalk that the trashcans were buried next to, claiming racism, basically… While I am all for racial equity, this one was… frankly, B.S.


How about we test those next to the Dillon on West St.? There are WAY too many bins of all sizes littering the sidewalk and spilling into the bike lane there.


Yeah, the mistake was to not implement them in a better location. My vote goes towards outside the DGX along Blount Street. We have a thread on the Moloks here.


RIP to the Mokons. :headstone:

New art work? Lord knows this area needs it.


Yes. Raleigh mural project on Instagram was posting stuff this week. They didn’t say what it will be, as far as I saw, but they hinted about being Canes related.


Some sort of dessert food truck event? They have Hungarian funnel cake desserts and all. This should be every weekend of this section of Fayetteville Street. City Council is so out of touch.


I think this new social district could take care of this food truck events happening every weekend.


Problem is that one of the city council members Knight opposes this in the last meeting about the Social Districts. Thinks it will take away from the local businesses. This opinion is just straight up dumb but no one spoke out against this notion. Having food trucks on Fayetteville will generate more foot traffic to Fayetteville Street and thus more business to the local places.

Think about it, why would anyone just go to Fayetteville Street right now on the weekend? There’s almost zero reason at the moment. If you had food trucks all the time people will consider going to Fayetteville Street just to check it out and these people might prefer to go to a sit down restaurant instead of eating at a food truck.

Zero Foot Traffic === Zero Additional Business

Active Foot Traffic === Increase Visibility of Business === More business.

Here’s Knight’s comments:

I mean you can have food trucks and just not allow them to serve alcohol so that people have to go into the local business to grab drinks.



thats a nice crowd downtown on what used to be a travel holiday


years back i would go down there for the quiet.

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Raleigh Urban Projects Group presentation from CC yesterday. Five key points to undertake in the next five years to attain more livable streets. Glad to know Fayetteville Street is up there.

Edit: I feel silly and slightly duped by the City of Raleigh. May I redirect attention to the funding Convention Center and Hotel instead :upside_down_face:


I’m pretty sure that’s just a recap of the Livable Streets Plan from 2003 :grimacing: Livable Streets Downtown Plan | PDF | Raleigh | Affordable Housing


I think its such a large project it’s going to take five 5 in 5s. 2028 is going to be big for Faye st!

You are correct - I remember all of that very well! Hard to believe it has been 20 years.

I really like the Fayetteville St - South proposal on page 14, that amount of green space and pedestrian only space is definitely needed in that area.

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Trying to get Social Districts rolling by August 15. Just need council to approve at the July 5 meeting. Bring it! :beer:


Raleigh Magazine had an article claiming there’s interest in making Fayetteville street a destination from some ‘local power players’. Doesn’t mention anything super specific except the LM Restaurant folks are looking at opening something down there. Also, I :poop: you not, the Highwoods VP is quoted as wanting to help add to some development on this street. Yes…the irony…


Highwoods moving into offices ON the street makes it SEEM sensible to fill their OWN vacancies on said street!?! Highwoods, Empire and Dominion own most of the stree leasing opportunity. Well, they’ve all got more than enough coin to get after making it vibrant. Choads…