Five Points, East End Market, & Raleigh Iron Works

I think that building fronting Atlantic is slated for pickleball courts for the ‘eatertainment’ crowd and the second building back is NoCo next to the climbing gym where Big Boss once was…

The walls being removed from the building facing Atlantic will become a breezeway between the two developments. Here is a rendering


with the brand new jaguar bolera right there??

I just wanna know what multi-story building we’re seeing this render from :eyes:


I think the pickleball courts will be part of Jaguar Bolera.


Yep - ‘there’s supposed to be’ pickleball courts for Jaguar over there somewhere… :smiling_face:

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The former Pack Rat warehouse reno ?

Someone has got to put a foot bridge over Atlantic connecting the two development sides but I fear that the developers won’t do it unless they were forced (which I can’t imagine happening). sigh…


A crosswalk would be a lot easier, quicker and cheaper…


I’d add to that… sidewalks, frequent crosswalks, and curb extensions would make it a lot safer for everyone.


Letting all this get built without putting a crosswalk at Whitaker Mill should be just about criminal.

Sidewalks on both sides of Atlantic, as well as a second traffic signal at Wicker Drive (also including crosswalks), is an absolute must with all the development going on in the area.


It’s trivial but I love when architectural renderings show things that are not code compliant. That glass “handrail” is pool fencing and in no way can pass building code as shown. Yes I know this all gets worked out in the plan revisions but it gives me a chuckle that helps the day go by


They’re both Grubb properties, I’m pretty sure they wanted to do one but the site constraints made it too difficult.

I think that we’d need to narrow the road to two lanes to make the Atlantic corridor a truly viable crosswalk candidate. Atlantic Ave. was initially envisioned as a thru-way alternate for commuters between north Raleigh and downtown. It’s clearly not developed with pedestrians in mind. That mindset would have to be broken and rebuilt.


If the city took itself seriously it would make it two lanes from Six Forks down with sidewalks and bike infra along the sides. The amount of development going on here, and even the residential density would make more than enough sense.




As long as Capitol is the nightmare it is, I’d hate to see the main alternative for points north turned into slow street. It just needs options to cross it.


I feel as though Captial doesn’t become awful until 440. South and into downtown, it is a fairly manageable thoroughfare that even at peak hours doesn’t have that same stop and go awfulness of North Raleigh. I think more cross streets could help alleviate anything as well, it doesn’t help that between the Capital/Atlantic interchange and Highwoods, there is only one east-west connection between the two.


We have had a laissez-faire if not ‘ignore Peter since Paul don’t wanna pay’ in this town (region) for some time. If density, as you say, predicated infrastructure then North Hills would serve as exhibit A - yet it has similar issues relative to bike / pedestrian access. Sadly, we Whack-a-Mole our way through it without a cohesive plan, studies be damned.
Much of the ‘meet in the middle’ infrastructure discussion sadly seems to prove a point that we don’t extract enough mutualistic benefit from zoning entitlement. Don’t NIMB :eyes: me…
I guess I understand why Grubb wouldn’t spring for the bridge on the front end of a speculative development ( that is arguably going to pay off handsomely). I don’t understand why the city didn’t press for better connectivity with a long road view in mind.
Also notable to the discussion : The bridge over 440 @ NCMA cost +$4MM in the early aughts with a combo of funds to bring it home. This bridge and/or the proposed Midtown connectivity bridges in the city plan are not going to come cheap. Can’t do it all. Gotta be nimble, plan smart.
Seems simple but obviously not.


I gotta call bullshit here. Modern engineering can do wonderful, amazing things. It just costs money. They could very well build a damn pedestrian bridge, they just don’t want to pony up the cash.

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