Five Points, East End Market, & Raleigh Iron Works

Brick is a lot of small pieces that have to be mortared together onsite. Fiber cement comes in big pieces that can be mostly done off-site.

Add that in with America’s huge gap in trades labor and there you go.


This sparked my interest to check in on Budleigh East. Wow I wish I hadn’t.

This is gonna be a great looking development, but they just started listing the “cottage” pricing

$1.6 million for 1800 square foot. For reference, the single family homes are twice the square footage and only $200k more.


Wow. Throwback to my dream about 5-6 years ago of when I wanted to own a 2-3 bedroom home in or around downtown, they weren’t that bad back then. Prices have gotten insane

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Well I can’t pass up a deal like that. Guess I’m moving!

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I walked by this morning and it looks like construction has finally begun, so any changes are unlikely at this point.

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Ah. I’m actually surprised. Maybe by the time they get to the front row they’ll realize how ugly they are and if that’s impacting sales and they can at least change up the street facing units?


Holy crapola! Those things better be gilded.

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Just a random old picture of Dock 1053 and RIW (under construction) I came across.


Wow, look at all the happy little trees.


What’s really crazy to me is how clear-cut those subdivisions were when that pic was taken (likely not long after construction) and how big the trees are in those neighborhoods now.


Gotta say, the Budleigh East development is coming along nicely. That’s a whole lot of density where there wasn’t much before.

Also… beautiful new very wide sidewalk/MUP!


I love this development but wish the corner opposite Mandoline etc had a similar retail strip.


There is 5k of retail on that corner. A new restaurant will open there.


Yup, at least that’s what the poster on their fence indicated to me. Looks like it’ll be nice and fit in well.

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Oh boardwalks. Neat. I was wondering why they’ve been digging so much for a year…


Triangle Rock Club has posted a few videos of the inside of the new gym as well. Some were stories that seem to be gone now, but one was a regular post a couple days ago. Looks like bouldering walls are up, lots of drywall is up, and they are already putting holds on the wall. Coming right along and looks like it will open this year. I cant wait for this place to open.


Right… one huge restaurant. I agree with @Roganberry - there should’ve been a planned STRIP of retail, not just one big ass (and probably hilariously expensive) space.


Oh my word, shutters big enough to actually cover the windows! One of my biggest pet peeves about a lot of “traditional style” new developments.

This looks great all around.

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But do they actually close? My guess is no. That’s a huge pet peeve of mine as well.

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Maybe this was mentioned already, but something is going on at the industrial buildings a block north of Iron Works. The front and rear walls of one of the spaces in that building were gone this morning, I was driving and didn’t take a picture. It looked like the Baker distribution building was gone as well.

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