Future of Glenwood South

This is bitter sweet. Layered had the best croissants I’ve ever had.

But Paul & Jacks is an excellent bakery.

Wish we could have had both in downtown.


Oh no! That place is awesome and always seemed busy. Booo


Yes I am both sad and incredibly happy. Paul and Jack’s is amazing! Everyone should check out their IG.



Huh, I guess that explains why I just got an email from Paul & Jack, was wondering what that was.

…whenever the HELL they were open. I practice in a space right down the street and there have been WAYYYY too many times I’ve wanted to grab a coffee before practice only to remember that they closed at like 1PM or some asinine hour. They certainly were busy during open hours, and who knows… maybe they could’ve STAYED busy if they stayed open a little longer??? Here’s hoping the new business will still serve iced lattes and maybe stay open, you know, normal people hours!

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I mean… they were a breakfast spot that was open during breakfast hours. I loved their pastries. Sounds like they did fine until the new owner tanked it.


I think what you’re looking for is a café or coffee shop. This, sir, was a croissanterie!