General Feedback and Site Announcements

I must have been the only one who voted for more COVID. When you’re outvoted, you’re outvoted! Oh well.


you can always private message people, and argue and get mad at each other! :rofl:


IMO I think people who lean conservative, people who are skeptical of corporate media, people who challenge the “official narrative”, people who prefer small independent blogs to assist them in defining all their reality, and people who think the response to this “pandemic” has been built upon the politicians pandering to the public under the influence of a for-profit media outrageously inflaming the fears of this same public - it is my opinion that these types of people are not welcome here.

And IMO no one was “practicing” epidemiology - they were listening to and relaying the thoughts and opinions of equally credentialed epidemiologists that are currently being deliberately silenced by the MSM because they have the nerve to question the official narrative.

But this is YOUR blog Leo and you need to do what you need to do - and I will go back to digging my eyes out with some scissors.


At least you shared that it’s your opinion. :slight_smile: Thanks for that.


What happened to the emoji reactions? That’s my bread and butter!


I know. These things seem to break every time I update and then in a few days, they get updated and come back. Sorry about that, will give more lead time on updates.


No worries, figured you were aware and it was an update that broke it. Just mentioned it in case you weren’t.


Looks like we’re back in business.


Hey all. Friday night, I want to make a small change that should stop access to the site for about 10-15 minutes if all goes well. If all does not go well, it’ll be down for longer and then I’ve got the weekend to figure it out. Just putting a heads up out there. I will probably pull the trigger around 8pmish.

I’ll post one more time before I take her down.


You got this Leo! Piece of cake,


Heads up. I’m thinking 7pm I make the changes.


I think we’re good. In fact, it went so well that I’m doubting myself. Either way, will fix problems as they come. Back to it!


The site no longer seems to highlight threads with new replies, or show the counts of new replies for topics I am “Tracking” (I checked, and that hasn’t changed). It knows which threads have updates since the last time I visited, but just doesn’t seem to show it, and when I click on the thread it takes me to the latest reply instead of taking me to the top of the replies that I hadn’t yet seen.

Has been going on for a few days (I think?). Anyone else experiencing this?

Others seeing this? I haven’t changed anything in a few weeks at least.

I’m seeing the same behavior I’ve come to expect.
So if there’s a new reply to a thread, I see that count and when I go to it, it takes me to the first/top unread reply.

1 Like

This is me right now. This is what you guys want, right? I’m in Firefox.


Right yeah. The thread titles are remaining greyed out for me, and no count of new posts are showing. Almost like the site (or my browser maybe) is flagging all of the new replies as having been read already (because for even non-tracked threads usually the thread titles would not be greyed-out if there were unread replies).

You’ve been hacked by the Russians.


After a short email convo with a reader, I decided to put up a post for those who like RSS and want to know how to subscribe using a reader to this site. The software supports rss but it’s not obvious.

The TLDR is that you can find any topic or thread, take the url, and add “.rss” to the end. If you plug that feed into your chosen RSS reader, you should be good to go. There are a few additional ones too. Here’s something to get you started:

  • Latest Topics:
  • Any thread/topic can be made into a feed. Ex: The Goodnights thread can be made into an rss feed with
  • Want the firehose? All posts can be found at
  • Want to see topics pop up only in the New Construction category? Use

I’d love to see how RSS users are using the site so if you have a trick, please share!


Going to bring down the site for a few this Sunday night, 5/2, in order to take in the latest upgrades. There’s a new moderation feature that I’d like to have.