General Parking Discussion

I have never owned an automatic car. I have had manual VWs (several), and one each of Toyota, Mazda, Audi, Subaru, and Infiniti.


I’ve mostly stuck to Honda manual honestly, hasn’t steered me wrong since 2011. Had two different Honda Civic EX’s that were 5 speeds ('06 and a '12) before I got my performance 6 speed Type R Civic.

German engineered manuals are just something different (in a good way lol) IMO. I used to date a girl who drove a Audi TT Roadster Coupe (6 speed) and that thing felt like a little heat seeking torpedo on the road.


Was her name @John ?

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Manual with red seats club member checking in :sunglasses: also would not let a valet park it.

Love those Type Rs though. Closest I’ve got to that is a CBR600RR lol.


Hahaha nah pretty sure it wasn’t.

I have an original (2000) TT. I definitely like VW group’s manuals, or maybe I am just used to them? I think that my next car is going to be a Civic hatch because I miss my VW Sportwagen TDi and its versatility to haul stuff while being fuel efficient.


Man, those TDi engines were sooo awesome. I could make it from the NC Coast to E Alabama on one tank. Our Jetta was a little tight for us, width-wise, but it was a blast to drive, even with the automatic engine. It broke my heart when we gave it up, though the settlement checks were pretty nice.

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Hell yea, I don’t have red seats, but I’ll raise you with all black. And I second the non valet option for this car, I’m not letting some kid roast the aluminum flywheel I just installed.


I got to drive a first gen TT years ago and it was one of the better shifters I’ve rowed through. Also had an 09 GTI for a couple years and it was just so easy to flick from one gear to the next. The shifter in my current 328i has longer throws and is definitely stiffer and notchier, but it suits the overall nature of the car. I think my favorite manual I’ve driven is my buddy’s supercharged Lotus Elise, he upgraded the shift linkage and swapped out the regular shift boot for a gated cutout…extremely heavy clutch as well as very stiff and tight shifter, but the harder you drove it the easier it was to drive. Best shifter I’ve experienced was (unsurprisingly) a 07 Civic Si that I tried to buy prior to getting my GTI…hard to beat a Honda manual.
And @Drew very nice, looks super clean. I put a lightweight single mass flywheel in my GTI and it definitely changed the feel of the car. Honestly I thought it was easier to drive but an inexperienced driver would definitely struggle even more than usual with it being easier to stall.

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while leaving a trail of heavy polution in your wake.

Yeah, I hated giving mine up as well. I could drive from Miami to the center of SC on one tank, and that wagon could haul a lot. It was incredibly fun to drive. However, you are correct about the settlement checks. After driving it 8 years, I got all but 4 grand of my original purchase price. You can’t beat that with a stick.

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Before I bought the Sportwagen TDi, I had a '01 GTI. It too was a fun manual.

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Talking about power nothin’, my grandpa used to have a very similar looking 1981 Ford F-150. Yep, talking about the ‘3 on the tree’ style manuals. Trying to drive that on Western NC hills for the first time as a youngster was not for the faint of heart.



I want to hear the DTR-related take that would get you banned. Do you love exposed parking decks?


My DTR-related take that’d get me banned?? Brace yourself…There should be a Sheetz at the corner of Glenwood & Hillsborough St. Yes, I said it. I want all the smoke.


I am probably one of the very few (if not the only one) that doesn’t mind that a parking deck looks like a parking deck. I do prefer that they have street level retail though. Don’t have any problem with parking lots either. I parked in several of them for about 6 years downtown and very much appreciated them.

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Had a sport wagon TDI. Liked it then diesel got stupidly expensive. Drive a Chevy Bolt obviously. Fast, 300 miles per charge. Good parking in the decks for electric only. Seeeee I do belong .


Straight to jail :rotating_light: :policeman: :police_car:

If we’re going to have lots of parking decks, might as well keep them up-to-date. :+1:

City Upgrades Downtown Parking Decks

What are some of the upgrade features?

  • Fully automated with parking ambassadors available at each deck to assist customers
  • Expedited entry and exit
  • Live 24/7 support
  • Multiple languages and payment types
  • Large, color ADA compliant screens

Make them free. Save money on gates, complications , misunderstandings. All problems solved and people would use them .

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