Hillsborough Street Mixed Use Projects Near NC State

(photo credit: @GucciLittlePenguin)


If you rotate that second photo 90 degrees clockwise… :wink:

I know what you’re saying and god do I wish!!!

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Let’s see if others make the connection.

Fall 2026 is the opening date, according to this project’s website, https://www.hubraleigh.com

I was just perusing their website. I had no idea that there were so many HUB locations around the country! Damn.

A few 14 stories or taller. Guess this project would have been taller if not for zoning/cost of rezoning.

I think I don’t get it.

Rotated 90 deg clockwise


meaning having it be a tower.

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I would not dwell too much about how this one might have been bigger…

1 million square feet, 2200 beds. This is corespaces’ largest single-building project ever, even if they have built a couple with a few extra stories.

Also let us not forget the zoning anomaly that allowed it to even be so big in the first place…


Surprising I would think they could finish sooner.

Anyone know anything about this NCDOT “multi modal” project around NCSU?

Seemed exciting at first glance to focus on safety and multi modal transit but the website makes it seem like it’s…a mobile app?

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Raising Canes to open on Hillsborough St. officially announced by Raleigh Magazine earlier on Instagram.

Excited to see something finally open there - and I’m sure they’re going to crush it in that location - I still just think a sports bar would have been perfect in that space.


YES YES YES YES YES !!! :partying_face:


Surprising that’s longer than I would think. I guess they won’t be quite ready for fall 2025.

ASR submitted for 2600 Hillsborough. This is the former Wachovia/Wells Fargo bank. The ASR is not available for download yet but when it is, it will be available here. Typically takes a week or so? It says they are targeting 2/17.

Says they want to build an apartment building that is 3 and 5 stories.

The site also includes 2601-2603 Vanderbilt meaning it is approximately a 0.8 acre rectangle.


ASR is uploaded.

108 units, 148 bedrooms, 61 parking spaces.

Looks fine, boring design, about what you’d expect - no better but also no worse. I note that the storefront space along Hillsborough is wide but shallow (about 100’ x 40’), does not appear like it is intended to accommodate subdividing, and is varyingly labeled office/retail/amenity. The significant majority of the ground floor is parking.

I just hope they aren’t just going have an “amenity gym” and leasing office occupying all 100’ of the Hillsborough Street frontage. Down the street at Uncommon or “The Standard” something like that would be OK, TBH - but here right across from DH Hill that would feel rather like an insult.


Way better than what’s there. Would definitely like real retail at that location, and not in an “every building needs retail” way - that location is a retail strip with huge foot traffic.


Huge roof terrace on that whole back lower half! That’s pretty cool!

And some kinda 2-story large central amenity room as well. This looks like a step up from standard-grade student housing.

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Miracle anything gets built on this section anymore. Let alone 5 stories.

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