More Museums and Venues in Downtown Raleigh

Not to hate on it fully, but the concept/store is already at Crabtree Mall (Site here).

There’s also one in Durham (Site here).

I’ve never been inside but it appears to be a self serve photo studio.

I’m sure they’re everywhere now.

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Think about it. At a selfie museum, you could post on yourself on insta and TikTok in front of a voting machine, bowling alley, movie theatre, Gucci store and everything else. No need to go to all these place IRL to prove that you have been there.


Remember, it ways better to be seen than actually be!

That’s the motto of the new state: North Kardashian.

Thanks, I hate it! :laughing:

Reporting this thread for violence if this goes any further

Glad you picked up on the play on words. Sometimes NC’s motto seems so 19th century.


I got your back on that one! I really love NC’s motto. It’s really, really good IMO.


I do as well. Alabama’s is " we dare defend our rights." and I am like what? … to get your ass kicked in the late "war’?NC is actually inspiring.

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Yeah, exactly. When I was a kid I did a ton of drugs and was constantly getting into trouble.

Downtown would be successful I really hope investment goes through.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Indoor Music Venues and Clubs

Maybe I’m showing my age here, but I really don’t get the concept of a Selfie Museum. WTF?!? #Xennial


It’s an art gallery for people who think they should be the art.


I feel you. I guess it was last St. Patrick’s Day, on Glennwood South, this pair of young women propped their phone on the sidewalk, stopping all foot traffic–on GS on St Patrick’s Day–so they could film themselves doing some little TikTok dance. I was like…wow. Cannot relate. #grumpyoldman

I suppose having an 18yo and 20yo daughter and stepdaughter should make me more understanding of this type of thing, but thankfully neither of them would do anything quite that …self absorbed?


Pro Tip: Simply walk in front of their camera, as you would normally walk on the sidewalk. What was stopping all foot traffic? An invisible selfie-shield?? LMAO


Yup. Want to stop for a quick picture of a tourist attraction, sure thing. Want to film a 30 second TikTok on a busy sidewalk? Not my problem, I’m walking through it.


Or just kick the phone down the sidewalk and pretend you can’t see it or hear their screams… Helps teach a lesson and amuses the masses.

I mean, I stop to take photos of buildings (in case you haven’t noticed) all the time. Being able-bodied and in the way of people is just kind of rude, flat out. It’s like your hogging the sidewalk. They probably just need to be more clever about it.

Sounds like the same rude behavior around scooters on sidewalks, right?

Step to the side, wait your turn, snap the photo some other time is generally considered good behavior. Now excuse me, there are kids on my lawn I need to yell at.