Performing Arts Center Parking Lots (Sites 1 and 2)

And just think, a large corporation could make even better use of the limited land by building higher than the completely arbitrary and ridiculous 40 story limit. Amazing how that works!

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I used to feel pretty strongly about the height limits, and while I generally don’t think there should be any in the core of DT, I don’t think they’re the deterrent I once imagined. I do think the actual height limit (as opposed to the number of stories) discourages interesting architecture, but I don’t think anyone is clamoring to build a 40 story building in DTR and deciding elsewhere because of a zoning law. Zoning regulations are very competitive in places like Boston or NYC and companies still want to build tall there. I just don’t think the demand exists yet for another tall tower, just like I don’t think there’s a market yet for a big convention hotel or a luxury hotel.


Ding Ding Ding. This is the answer for all of the “I wish Raleigh looked like Philly” folks out there. If RTP were DTR, then it would be a different story completely - Apple would be building a tower DT. Of course, that would have happened decades ago and we would have had light rail decades ago as well. But, instead we have the Triangle which is a unique, sprawly, lovely place, sans skyscrapers.