Performing Arts Center Parking Lots (Sites 1 and 2)

Agree. Does anyone know why it is taking years for the city to sell the two lots in front of Raleigh Memorial?
This wait is rediculous, sell the lots to a prominent developer, preferably a NY or big city developer (no Hatem, no Grubb, no small time Raleigh developer). Example: Hatem has done nothing with the pathetic looking lot next to Circular Hotel for decades, it is an eyesore, well it!!!

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I’ve heard that the two city owned lots in front of Duke Memorial Auditorium, are reserved as a strong recruiting tool for signature corporate hq. Each site is pre-zoned for 40 stories. Mercedes Benz was eyeing them for their US headquarters, before deciding on Atlanta & it’s airport. Runner up doesn’t count. A company such as Amazon would not require all the international flights that Mercedes required, so who knows.


Makes sense, thx U
Note: I recall we were in running for Mercedes, did not know those lots were under consideration, that would have been ideal.
Great locations to start Amazon HQ2 campus

Let’s review. I think this slide sets the baseline.


I fully support the city holding onto these parcels until the right opportunity presents itself. Needless to say, Amazon would be such an opportunity.
When one looks at an aerial of that general area, it’s easy to imagine something really big happening.

FWIW, 40 floors @ 50,000 ft2 each is 2M ft2. From a previous post, a 50,000 ft2 floorplate is doable. A pair of 40 floor buildings would be half of what Amazon ultimately wants in space for HQ2. Of course, this doesn’t include parking.


What about the Pope House Museum and the Lincoln Theatre that sits on that lot on Wilmington Street I’m sure there is a way to Preserve both and have your Tall 40 + high rise, it can be done.

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There’s always a way. Amazon wouldn’t need all of that real estate, but it sure is a nice contiguous amount of underutilized land…especially that McDonald’s.


Remove the McDonalds and Build a tower there and make the Pope House/Lincoln theatre into a Plaza setting. Just an Idea. :thinking::slightly_smiling_face:

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Agree, build around both, but build very tall!!!
This land cannot be wasted on less than 40 story buildings.
This footprint is an excellent start for Amazon!!
Get rid of overpass, and extend campus to Cargill, but get rid of that overpass, make all streets at ground level.


Have their been any discussions above raising the 40-story limit? Or are there issues there (relating to bedrock, etc)?

I agree completely that the current post office space is prime real estate that should be looked at for any number of future needs. I saw this and I think that it would be awesome for Amazon to build and Preserve the Pope House Museum and the Lincoln theatre all the way to the Cargill site.

I could not agree with you more about getting rid of overpasses in the core of the city. We tried to do that with Capital and Peace, and can tell you that it’s a tough uphill battle.


Yes, I heard. Capital should not have any overpasses, especially over Peace Street. Project will be major improvement, but DOT and Raleigh should have done this right, by removing overpass, so damn short sighted!!!
City Council and DOT trying to save money, when they should have spent the extra money, it gets old hearing their excuses and seeing their half a_s decisions move forward.

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What would be the alternative to an overpass?

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That development in Downtown Raleigh would look amazing and be very functional, break ground tomorrow with or without Amazon.

Well, on decision will be made by end of this month, new US Army Command Center, Raleigh in top 5.

I also heard Apple was to make decision this week, hopefully soon.


I’d suspect now that the budget veto override is complete and Apple knows what its incentives will be, a decision should soon follow.

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The sites are “zoned” for up to 40 floors, but could go through rezoning process if height is above 40. Sites are ready to go to 40, now, if qualified by city officials.

A & A may hold off on Raleigh until the Legislature is out of town, but alas, they do not hesitate returning to stir mischief.